Chapter 2

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It was another two days before Malfoy woke up. Harry was extremely bored, as they didn't allow him to leave the Hospital Wing. His friends weren't even allowed to visit him. Professor McGonagall had brought him his homework but that was all he was allowed to do.

The professors still weren't sure what was wrong with him and Malfoy and they wanted everyone to stay away from the two of them until they figured it out. They had even moved them to the back of the Wing, away from everyone else.

Harry was getting very antsy. He was having a lot of trouble sitting still and focusing correctly. His brain felt fuzzy and he just felt uncomfortable. He'd figured it was just because he'd been locked in a room for three days unable to do anything but just sit there.

Harry was lazily reading his potions book when he heard moans coming from his left. He looked up and saw Malfoy slowly sitting up and rubbing his head.

"Malfoy!" Harry said jumping off his bed.

Malfoy jumped and his head snapped towards Harry. "The hell..?" Malfoy mumbled out.

Harry blushed and sat back down on the edge of his bed. He scratched his head while Malfoy still stared at him. "What?" Harry finally said.

"Don't say 'what' like that Potter. What the hell is going on? Why am I in the Hospital Wing? And why are you?"

"I don't real-" Harry started to say before he was interrupted by Pomfrey and Dumbledore.

"Mr Malfoy! You're awake!" Said Pomfrey as she rushed to his side to administer the same tests she did to Harry. "Why didn't you come and get me, Potter!" She said, turning to Harry.

"S-sorry Madame Pomfrey. He just woke up, I was about to come and get you."

Madame Pomfrey just scoffed and Dumbledore spoke up. "Poppy, if you're done with the tests, I'd like to speak to the boys alone if I may?"

"Of course Albus," Pomfrey said as she gave Malfoy some final medicine and food.

Malfoy spoke up first. "What in the hell is going on?!"

"If you'll excuse your language Mr Malfoy, I will kindly try and explain." Dumbledore transfigured himself a chair and sat down in between Harry and Draco's beds. "Now, Draco, can you tell me the last thing you remember?"

"The last thing I remember is leaving potions class after Potter ruined my potion and I had to stay to clean it up."

"Hey! That was an accident. And I stayed to clean it up too," Harry defended himself.

"Now boys if we could fight about this later, I'd like to figure this out," Dumbledore said, making Harry blush and Malfoy roll his eyes. "Unfortunately, that is the extent of Harry's memory as well. We are still diligently trying to figure out what caused this and why Harry was the first to wake up."

"Have you guys figured anything out yet, sir?" Asked Harry.

"Wait!" Interrupted Malfoy, "first to wake up? How long have I been sleeping?"

"If you'll be patient, Mr Malfoy, I will be sure to answer all your questions. As for your question, Harry, we have a few theories but no definitive answer yet."

"Will someone please tell me how long I've been asleep for already?!"

"Six days," said Harry.

"SIX DAYS?! SIX DAYS! How the hell did that happen?"

"We aren't sure, Malfoy. That's kinda what we're trying to figure out here but you can't shut up for two seconds."

"Shut up, Potter."

"I'll leave you two to be for a moment while I go and retrieve Poppy. Try to behave yourselves," Dumbledore said.

Malfoy was sitting up in his bed, wringing his hands through his hair and mumbling under his breath. He looked possessed and it was freaking Harry out. "Uh, Malfoy?"

"What do you want, Potter?"

"Are you, uh, alright?"

"No I'm not alright!! I've apparently been unconscious for six days and no one know why. I've missed an entire  week of classes. And to top it all off, you have something to do with why I'm in here!" Malfoy ranted.

Harry was about to respond but just then Poppy and Dumbledore walked back in. Pomfrey fussed over Harry and Draco, giving them both medicines to take and doing scans of their bodies.

"They seem perfectly healthy," she said. "Malfoy is looking slightly peckish and thin but that's because he hasn't eaten a substantial meal in almost a week. But other than that, they both look perfectly normal. No broken bones or anything either, which usually happens when thrown against a wall. I really don't understand."

"How are you boys feeling?" asked Dumbledore.

"You mean besides the fact I've been unconscious and have been stuck in a room with Potter for six days? Peachy."

Harry rolled his eyes at Malfoy and just said "fine."

"Are you sure, Harry? No pain or anything at all?"

"Well, I don't know. I was kind of achy and uncomfortable but I assume that's because I've been stuck here for so long."

"And do you feel like that anymore?"

"Um, no not really, I guess," said Harry, realizing that he was actually feeling rather great.

"Hmm," said Dumbledore nodding thoughtfully. "Well you two are going to stay here for the remainder of the weekend and if by Monday, you are feeling still better, I will allow you to return to your own Common Room and to your classes. Goodnight boys."

"Goodnight sir," said Harry.

Dumbledore and Pomfrey both left, leaving Harry and Draco alone together for the night. It was only 4:00 in the afternoon and neither boy was at all tired. They both just lied on there beds, staring up at the ceiling.

After about half an hour, Malfoy said "what does Dumbledore even expect us to do?"

Harry jumped, startled by Malfoy's sudden decision to talk, and smacked his head against the headboard of his bed. "Ow!"

Malfoy laughed at him, but not maliciously, in a joking way and said "idiot."

Harry had a strange urge to hit his head again, just to see Malfoy smile like that again. 'What the hell? Why did I just think that? How hard did I just hit my head?' Harry thought. Harry blushed and shook his head.

"You ok there, Potter?"

"What! Um, yeah, I'm- I'm perfectly fine. Yeah, I'm good."

"Right. Well, I'll ask my question again and maybe you could not hit yourself in the head again?"

"Fuck off, Malfoy."

Malfoy rolled his eyes and smiled slightly. "Anyways, what are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know. I've mostly just been staring at the wall."


Hi! Thanks for reading! I couldn't really think of anything else to add to this chapter so that's the end... Lol. Anyways, please vote and comment and share this story!!


Published: September 16, 2018

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