Chapter 12

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When Draco woke up the next morning, he was a little confused as to where he was. It took him a minute to remember why he wasn't in his bed and why he was sprawled on the floor. When he got his bearings, he tried to sit up only to realize something was holding him down. He looked down and realized the reason he couldn't get up was because Harry had shifted in his sleep and his arm was currently draped over Draco's stomach.

Draco blushed to his roots and was very thankful that Harry was asleep at that moment. He knew that he should probably have been mad. He should have yelled at Harry to wake up or pushed his arm off. He should have done something. But he didn't. It was probably the Peace Draught still in his system but he couldn't find it in himself to be mad at Harry.

He also couldn't find a way to get Harry's arm off of him without fear of waking him up. It'd be very awkward for the both of them if Harry woke up while they were in this position. So Draco did the only logical thing he could think of and he very carefully lowered himself under the blankets and tried to drift off to sleep again. Right as he was drifting off, Draco unconsciously shifted ever slightly closer to the sleeping boy beside him.

When Draco woke up again just a few hours later, he was relieved to see that Harry was no longer laying beside him. He sat up and stretched a bit before hearing Harry's voice.

"About time you got up," Harry's said, getting up from the desk he was sitting at and making his way towards Draco. As Harry got nearer, Draco could detect a faint blush on Harry's face when he looked towards him.

"Forgive me for wanting to sleep in. I haven't been getting much sleep lately," Draco said. He said it sarcastically but his words were in all seriousness.

"I know the feeling", Harry said before quickly changing the subject. "So, what did you want to do today?"

"I dunno. I don't really suppose there's much more to do today than there's been for the last few weeks."

"We could go out to the quidditch pitch?"

"That's very illogical, Potter. Unless we just happened to ride on the same broomstick, we'd be too far apart the whole time. And falling from a broomstick because I got faint is not the way I intend for this curse to kill me."

Ignoring his comment about dying, Harry offered another option. "We could just walk around the grounds? It's pretty snowy outside so there won't be too many people outside today."

"Sure, that actually sounds fine."

"Great, well get dressed and we'll go."

"Right now?"

"Yes, Malfoy, now. We don't have anything better to do, do we?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "I guess not," he said before storming to the bedroom and changing into a warm jumper and sweats and donning a jacket. When he'd finished changing, Harry changed into a similar outfit, and wrapping scarves around their necks, Harry and Draco left their room for the school grounds.

Oh their way outside, Harry and Draco made a stop at the kitchens, gathering themselves some nice breakfast foods for a picnic. The elves were happy to see them, as always. Especially since Harry had convinced Draco to apologize to the house elves for how he had previously treated them. It took a lot of convincing and it was a half-assed apology, but it was better than nothing. And now, Harry and Draco had been spending so much time in the kitchens and getting all their food from there, that at this point, the elves always had food prepared for them.

After the elves had stuffed a picnic basket so full the lid would barely close, Harry and Draco said their thanks and goodbyes and made their way to the school grounds.

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