Chapter 9

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Harry and Draco mostly stuck to their truce for the next couple of weeks. There was some bickering here, some yelling there but mostly, they got along as best as they could. They decided that they'd switch off every day eating at each other's house table. They thought about ignoring McGonagall and eating at separate tables still but it seemed the curse was worsening and they couldn't be apart for even that long anymore without feeling the effects.

Draco hated eating at the Gryffindor table. People stared at him like he was about to attack all of them at any minute. Word and rumors had flown around about the binding curse and people kept assuming Draco did it on purpose. Why they thought that, Harry thought was idiotic. This affected Draco just as much as it affected Harry. Draco kept his head down and barely ate when he was around all the Gryffindors. And Harry hated it. He didn't know why but he hated that people looked at Draco like that and he hated that it made him not want to eat. It wasn't his fault he had to be here.

Harry didn't like it any better at the Slytherin table. There people threw snide remarks and comments his and Draco's way and people even tried to hex him a few times. Draco didn't try to do anything about it but at least he ate when he was at the Slytherin table so it was all worth it for Harry.

It was a Friday afternoon and they were sitting at the Gryffindor table for lunch. People were particularly chatty that day, whispering not-that-quietly to their friends about how dangerous Draco was and making plans about how to get rid of him. Harry glanced at Draco and could see how he was growing ever so slightly red in the face. Draco hated being treated like this, Harry could tell. Harry could feel how angry Draco was. And it was so un-Draco like to not snap back at them. Why he didn't, Harry didn't know. But he wouldn't let them just sit around and harass Draco like this. He couldn't.

"Stop!" Harry yelled, getting the attention of not only the Gryffindors but a few people of the neighboring house tables as well. "Just stop. Draco hasn't done anything to any of you. He's the one who's sat here without hurting or harming anyone. Ok, I don't like this either but it is what it is. So everyone just eat your damn food and leave him bloody well alone!" That shut people up. A few threw Draco one last distrustful look but for the most part, they finally left him alone.

When Harry sat back down, he saw Draco staring at him weirdly. "What?" He asked.

Draco shook his head lightly. "Why'd you do that?"

Harry sensed Hermione, Ron and a few other Gryffindor's questioning eyes. They wanted to know the answer to that question as well.

"I'll tell you later," was all Harry said to Draco before quietly going back to eating his food. After lunch was over, they had Transfigurations. Harry and Draco took a seat as far away from the Gryffindors as possible. Draco, because he disliked them, and Harry, because he was still mad at them all. After Transfigurations, it was time for Arithmancy.

Harry had had a few Arithmancy classes so far but he wasn't sure he was beginning to understand it any better. After sitting through class, without comprehending any of it, Harry was done for the day.

"Let's go back to the room," he said to Draco.

"But what about dinner?"

"I'll call a house elf to bring us whatever we want. I don't feel like eating in the Great Hall."

"Because of what happened earlier?" Draco asked.

"Partially, I guess."

"Ok, let's go then." Draco and Harry walked back to their room and Harry tried making small talk.

"Arithmancy really doesn't make sense."

"I guess it is a rather complicated subject."

"Yeah, and I have to write a whole foot of parchment on it."

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