red rose

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all i can do is
think about you
and what you do
to me. i think
about our beautiful
conversation we had.

i'm just upset that
you lied. yes i cried.
i'm sensitive you
should know how i am.
you tested my patience

i told you i was crazy,
so why do you do that.
yes that. lie about shit
i already know. tell people
things i told you not to say.
it doesn't matter either
way you were wrong.

i came to your house
to talk about what you
did and what you said.
but all you did was hide.
you hid so i couldn't find
you. until i screamed so you
could come out.

when you finally did you
didn't say anything. how
come you can say all these
things about me but can't
say it to my face?

i treated you like my
red rose. i gave you sunlight.
i even sang to you all the
time. and you still don't treat
me right. that's sad i
shouldn't have to put
up a fight for love.

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