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have you ever felt broken?

doesn't matter if it was a relationship.

have you ever just felt like that, or

do you need me to describe it?

just felt like you couldn't do anything

to fix the problem.

you feel like you could've done better

and you know you can.

then a wave of anger, regret, and disappointment

wash over you at the same time.

all you can do is think or cry or maybe both.

you just can't do anything about it.

it already happened and its just

so upsetting that you feel

depressed and want to kill yourself.

after a coupe days people remember what

happened and ask you questions.

then you feel like a worm and want to 

go underground and never come up again.

you start rethinking and then overthinking.

you start the cutting not caring who comes in

or who sees your arm.

walk into the places you need to be in,

do the things you do with people asking you if 

you are okay and all you can say is 

"i'm fine i just scraped my arm"

with the fake-ist smile you could possible do.


the feeling is way worse.

the feeling of watching the ones you love

die slowly and painfully.

its ass i know it is

but what can we do besides watch, listen, and be broken.

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