fix it

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everyday i'm hurting
bc i know he won't get
better. i just want to help
him and fix the problems
i know i can't fix now.

i want to take care of him
until we both did. i love him
to death and i know he
loves me. it just kills me
that i can't fix it. i can't
fix his problems or what he
goes through and i want to
die so much.

i cry sometimes but i
know things will get better
when time goes on. then
i wonder and overthink
will it. will we not have
what we have now.

all i want is for you to
get and be better. be
healthier or be a better
person. doesn't matter.
i just want you to be okay
and have great days on
a beautiful where you
lay on the bed thinking
in your head. "my
daughter did this for me
because she wants to see
me happy"

but when you are
going to die that
one day i will
feel like i couldn't
do my best to help you.
and i know you will
say i did all i can do
and i love you. in that
moment of sadness i
say "i love you too"

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