Chapter Eight

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"I didn't know you guys were coming to Venice..." Lisa awkwardly says while holding her bags.

"Didn't know you were coming here either.." Jungkook slowly nods.

"I'm here with my husband and son. Their just checking into our room.." She nervously bites down onto her lip. I stare at her blankly still in so much shock.. My grip tightened on Jungkook even though nothing would happen since we're both married so.. well.. at least I hope.

"Hey hun, Jaxon and I just checked in so-" Her husband placed his hand on her shoulder before realizing we were there.

"Oh hello I'm Chanyeol, Lisa's husband and this is our son Jaxon.. and you guys are?" He continues while sticking his hand out to shake Jungkooks.

"Jungkook and this is my wife-"

"Aria and these are our children. Boyoung and Minzy. Nice meeting you Chanyeol and Jaxon." I shake his hand since Jungkook didn't want too.

"Ah.. nice to meet you guys as well." He gently smiles before intertwining his fingers with Lisa. We stood there silently not knowing what to say next. Luckily Yeri came to break everything up.

"Well I'm glad you guys got to talk but I need to snatch the Jeon family away." She grinned while gesturing us to come along. We say our goodbyes before following Yeri who was leading us back to the group.

"Yeri thanks for grabbing us.." I breathe out while calming myself down.

"Looked like you guys needed it.." She nods with a slight smile. Something about her smile just made me think maybe after this trip we'll be closer. I grab Minzy and Boyoung leading them upstairs to our room to unpack. As we arrive inside Minzy and Boyoung both go to claim their rooms with bags in their hands. Jungkook leads me to our room with his hand in mine. I run my hand across my forehead in a sign of stress. Jungkook notices and soon pulls me own so I was sitting on his lap. I wrap my arm around his shoulder then leaning down to lay my head. I felt Jungkook rub my back to calm me down.

"Hey don't stress about this okay? I'm sure everything will be fine. Don't worry. Just don't make anything worse.. You can't start something here especially in front of our kids." His hands slither around my back to hug me tightly. I nod while closing my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.

The next day

Last night was so weird.. I remember falling asleep then waking up to go out for dinner with everyone. My arm was aching as I tried to get out of bed but I don't know why. I don't remember how that would be possible. I get out of bed groaning a bit in pain. I walk to the living room only to see Jungkook sitting there with his face in his hands. I automatically knew something was wrong... I walk towards him and laid my hands on his shoulder.

"Jungkook.." I say a bit in fear. "W-What's wrong?" He doesn't say anything but remove his hand from his face.

"This happened." He showed me his lip. It was busted and red. I gasp at the sight of that.. did I do that?

"W-What h-how-"

"Aria you were so wasted last night I've never seen you that drunk." He shrugs my hand off him. I felt so hurt. Jungkook knows I don't get wasted very often. It's so rare when I do.

"What do you mean? I don't remember anything. Why is your lip like that Jungkook? Where are our kids??" I stood up standing right in front of him. He looks up to make eye contact with me.

"Our kids are with Namjoon. You and I needed to have a private talk once you wake up so I sent the kids to Namjoon and asked if he could watch them until we finish talking."

"Talking about what?" I cross my arms watching him stand up.

"Wanna know why your arm hurts so much?" He comes towards me and I begin to move back. I let out a faint yes for him to hear.

"You were grabbed by other men last night. Wanna know how?" His facial expression began to harden.

"W-What that's no.. Jungkook I-"

"You ran out of the restaurant we were in because you were pissed at how Yeri and Lisa got along so well then they started talking to all of the boys. Aria you were jealous. Why were you so jealous of that?"

"Jungkook I.. I.. I don't know okay.." My eyes began to tear up a bit looking at how sad Jungkook looked.

"I ran after you because I was scared.. I saw you out there with men holding onto you. I went to grab you and then you punch me right in the jaw near my lip basically busting it. If Taehyung and Namjoon never came out you and I would of probably been dead." He backs up shaking his head at me.

"Do you know how much you ruined yesterday?! You drank so much in front of our kids that Boyoung asked me if you were okay. Our kids were concerned for how much you were drinking Aria. When you stormed out everyone was shocked. You didn't even say anything! You stood up and left. No one knew why but it was obvious that Yeri and Lisa knew. They tried to follow you but I stopped them. If I had let them go I don't know what would of happened to you ladies. Aria I know you know what happened last night but your just not letting yourself remember."

"I am so sorry about what happened last night. I don't know what got into me. I-I can't even remember drinking. Jungkook please don't be upset at me I didn't mean to ruin our first night here in Italy.." I run to him wrapping my arms around his waist. I hear him sniffle a bit.

"Aria you shouldn't be apologizing to me.. You need to apologize to everyone else. You ruined their first night here.."

"No Jungkook I'm sorry for punching you.." I mumble into his chest. He takes my arm off him.

"Look. I can't fix your mistakes so I need you to go.. and talk to everyone. I told them you wanted to talk so their waiting downstairs in the lounge."

"Just go apologize and then talk to Yeri and Lisa please. Just make everything right with you guys. I don't want you to feel jealous or hatred for each other."

"Okay.." I shakily said. "I'll go apologize and then talk to them.. I hope they can forgive me. I feel awful.." I begin to head to the front door slipping my shoes on.

"Let's go." I look at Jungkook with fear in my eyes. He walks towards me and gave me shoulder rub.

"It's okay. I'll be by your side." He kissed the side of my head. I couldn't believe I did that. I hope they'll forgive me.. I hope Lisa and Yeri will forgive me..
A/N: I have no idea where I was going with this chapter but I do know it's coming to an end ;) So um sorry if this doesn't make any sense. Thank you for almost 10k on this book and 2k followers!

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