Welcome To Vale

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Your POV

Grimm are everywhere, tearing down buildings and attacking civilians. I try to make out on where I am, but don't recognize my surroundings. A loud roar can be heard miles away; it's coming from a tower of some sort. There appears to be a large flying Grimm circling it.

"Where the heck am I?"

A bright flash emerged from the top of the tower illuminating everything in sight, I look away as it was blinding.





I woke up to the sound of my irritating alarm, and slammed my hand on it making it stop. I slowly sat up rubbing my forehead, the pain was unbearable.

"Man. That's the fourth time this week."

I got out of bed and changed into my (F/C) Hoodie, (F/C) combat pants and boots. The smell of bacon and eggs instantly hit my nose, and I ran towards the table.

"I knew you'd come down running." Mom teased. "Did you finish packing up your stuff already?"

"Yeah, days ago, it's kinda hard to get my clothes since they're already in the suitcase. Well most of them are."

A sad expression suddenly grew on my mom's face.

"You don't want say one last goodbye to your friends in Haven Academy?" she asked hesitantly.

"It's fine." I answered in a monotone manner. "Besides, after what happened, the entire academy pretty much despises me."

"I understand," she said placing her hand on my shoulder. "Anyway, we'll be leaving in an hour or so. Your dad will be waiting for us in Vale."

I simply nodded and decided to head back into my room. As I cleared out the remaining clothes in my closet, I find something that sank my heart. I stare at the pendant and a photo of my old team, tears started to form in my eyes, just simply looking at these bring back the feeling of dread, sorrow and guilt.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I couldn't stop my tears from flowing down my face.

== Fast-forward 5 months later ==

"Son, it's probably time that we talk." My Dad suddenly spoke up.

"But I literally just got back from the store?" I said a bit confused. "But if it's that important."

I placed down the groceries on the table and took a seat on the opposite end facing Dad.

"I know we've had this conversation when you first arrived here, but try considering joining Beacon next year." he explained. "You used to be one of the top students in Haven, not to mention, very skilled in combat. It's a bit sad to see it all go to waste."

"I know dad." I sighed. "But I can't bring myself to fight again. I'm sure you understand why."

I excused myself and decided to leave the house for some fresh air. I took a long stroll at the docks and sat down at the pier. The sound of the waves and the smell of the ocean breeze somehow always clears my thoughts. I look up to see four friends fishing, I pulled out the pendant and stared at it blankly. Memories started flowing back into my head, of my team laughing and having fun. However, I was snapped back to reality when an explosion occurred on the opposite end behind me.

"What the." I said under my breath.

A dust shop was being robbed by a bunch of men wearing black, and I assume that the one in white was their boss.

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