Last Stand

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Your POV

They poured out of the breach like there was no tomorrow, I made an attempt to fill it with debris using my semblance, but it didn't take long for them to break through. Not to mention we were running low on dust. Team RWBY was holding up pretty well, their movements were well coordinated and there was barely any hesitation in what they did.

"We can't let them one up us." Perseus countered an Ursa slash with his weapon, shot through it and smiled. "What's our plan of attack?"

"That's our plan," I said throwing a Beowolf off of me. "Attack!"

We set up a perimeter around the hole to minimize the amount of Grimm getting through as much as we can.

"Watch out!"

I look behind and see a Beowolf flying right at me. I step aside dodging it in time.

"Careful with where you're throwing these things!" I yelled at Etsuki. "That nearly hit me!"

"Sorry!" she smiled sheepishly before teleporting behind another one, taking it out.

"I'm out!" Perseus yelled from his side.

I look around and see a fire hydrant. I send a chunk of debris, breaking it.

"I'm sure Vale wouldn't mind the water bill." I said to myself.

Perseus hosed down Grimm using his semblance, sending some of them back into the opening.

"Well, I'm out." I threw the empty dust container at a Grimm making its head flinch back. It roared angrily.

"Oh man up." I said sending debris at it, taking it out.

Despite the amount of Grimm we were able to kill, it feels like there's no end to them. I can feel my body starting to ache as I was using my semblance non-stop. A King Taijitu emerged and forced itself through us. We were able to dodge it, but the Grimm went straight for Ruby.

"Ruby, heads up!" I shout at her.

Ruby notices and prepares for an attack, a loud bang occurs and we see Nora flying on her hammer towards the huge snake.

"Nora smash!"

Nora whacked the Grimm into the ground, and the rest of team JNPR followed.

"It's good to see you guys!" Wintria sighed in relief.

She was joined by Jaune and Pyrrha, who looked like they were having a bit of trouble. Jaune took out an Ursa after a few slashes, and it fell to the ground disintegrating.

"Way to go, Jaune!" I commended him. "You did it!"

"Nobody move!"

We turn our head to see Sun and Neptune flashing out badges.

"Junior Detectives!"

"We have badges now, so you know it's official!" Neptune added.

So much was happening around us, that it was hard to focus. Pain shot throughout my body as I had reached my limit. 

"Gah!" was all I could scream, before hitting the ground.

Etsuki teleports to me, helping me up. "Hey, woah, don't push yourself (Y/N)."

To our relief, a fleet of Atlesian Military arrived. We were so distracted and didn't notice the Grimm running at us. They were immediately gunned down by a dropship, saving us from their sudden advance. Androids were deployed to aid us in battle.

"Sorry we're late!" I hear a familiar voice yell from one of the airships.

"I'm just glad we got more help at this point." I look up at Velvet. 

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