Proposing for a Dance

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Your POV

We were sitting in Combat Class, watching the sparing match of Pyrrah and the entirety of Team CRDL. Not to our suprise, Pyrrah was dominating the battleground.

"I wonder why those four even thought that they stood a chance against her, I mean really." Wintria sighed.

"They probably have a death wish." I commented.

"Says the idiot who fled from the hospital a few days back." Weiss smirked.

"W-Well you all needed my help either way!" I scoffed. "Couldn't let you guys hog all the fun."

"I don't think storming against an Atlesian Paladin, while still in bandages counts as 'help'." Blake added.

"Not to mention that your wound nearly opened up again due to the hits you took from that thing." Perseus concluded.

I sank my head down in shame, after hearing all of their comments.

"Cut him some slack guys, he did manage to disarm the thing." Etsuki defended me. "Literally."

"Yeah!" Ruby exclaimed. "Without his help we couldn't have beaten the robot."

"Thanks you two," I smiled. "But I'm pretty sure you could've taken care of that thing even without my help."

"And that's match." Ms. Goodwitch finished the match.

Team CRDL was completely wiped out, while Pyrrah barely lost any of her aura.

"Well done, Ms. Nikos." Ms. Goodwitch praised her. "You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament."

"Thank you, professor." Pyrrah responded.

Ms. Goodwitch was going through her scroll, and started looking at the entire class asking for volunteers. She locked onto Blake, asking her to take the stage. She was then cut off by the guy saw at the hallway a few days back.

"I'll do it." he shot up.

"Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent." she said going through her scroll.

"Actually, I wanna fight... her." he pointed towards Pyrrah.

"Is he for real?" Etsuki questioned. "We all just saw how she wiped the floor with Team CRDL."

"I don't know, but I got a bad feeling about that guy." I observed him.

"I'm afraid Ms. Nikos has just finished the match. I recommend you choose another partner." she said rather surprised.

"No, it's fine!" Pyrrah insisted. "I'd be happy to oblige."

"I already don't like this guy." Wintria crossed her arms. "He doesn't even have a weapon."

Both combatants eye each other preparing themselves, and the match begins with Mercury makes the first move only to be knocked down. He recovered quickly and began trading blows with Pyrrah, only to be knocked back by her shield.

"Hey, your friend's doing pretty good." Ruby said to Emerald, who I remember seeing with Mercury.

She gave an obvious fake smile and rolled her eyes. I glare at her, making her flinch a bit.

The match kept going with Mercury unleashing powerful strikes.

"He sure does like to kick a lot." I said observing his fighting style. "Wait a minute."

Mercury managed to disarm Pyrrah by kicking her blade into the ground, literally impaling the arena floor.

The sound his boots make while clashing with Pyrrah's equipment, there's a faint sound of metal clashing with each other. Are his boots his weapon?

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