Dancing with Fire

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Your POV

"So they're the people you talked about?" Perseus asked. "They don't look that sketchy."

"What do you mean they don't look sketchy!?" Etsuki questioned him. "That Mercury dude has a smug grin on his face 24/7!"

You all turn your heads facing them, to see Mercury actually still grinning.

"Does that creep ever stop grinning?" Wintria squinted her eyes.

"They might be making their move," I said fixing my bow tie. "Everyone spread out and keep an eye on them. Let's message each other if anything gets suspicious."

Well all nodded before making our separate ways; Etsuki and Perseus continued dancing; Wintria went up to Yang, and I made my way to the punch bowl. I took a glass and began observing Emerald and Mercury, as I took a sip of my drink.

"Hey, not bad." I said looking at its content.

"There you are!"

I turn my head to see Ruby waving, as she made her way towards me.

"How'd it go?" she said pouring herself a drink as well.

I pulled up my sleeve and showed her the wristband.

"What is it?" Ruby blinked curiously.

"A new weapon," I said gazing at it. "It's like my old one, but way better."

"That's so cool!" she said in amazement.

"I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too." Jaune awkwardly approached. "Sorry, if I'm ruining a moment."

"Don't worry about it," I patted his shoulder. "But to answer your question."

"Yep." Ruby replied with an audible pop at the last letter.

"To the socially awkward." Jaune raised his glass.

Ruby and I raise our glasses, as we clinked them in a toast to our sad reality. I drank my punch in one big gulp.

"Don't you think you should calm down on the drinks?" Jaune asked a bit concerned.

"It's not like there's a limit to how much you can drink out of this." I said pouring myself another glass. "Besides, it's really good."

"Just let him have his moment, Jaune." Ruby giggled. "Also, sorry things didn't work out with Weiss."

"Meh, it's fine." he looked at his drink. "Neptune's pretty 'cool'. I get why she went with him."

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked.

"Well come on, not many people can pull off blue hair." he said before beginning to drink from his punch.

"You do realize she came to dance alone, right?" I said leaning onto his shoulder.

Jaune suddenly choked on his drink.

"You alright there, bud?" I said patting his back.

"Uh, what?" he said looking at me.

"I said, are you alright there bu-"

"No, the one before that." he said straightening himself up.

"Weiss coming to the dance alone?" I repeated my previous statement.

We all see Weiss desperately trying to coax life out of a wilting white rose. She eventually gave up, as she looked upset.

"Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys." Ruby explained.

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