Dust Hike Brawl

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Ruby's POV

We've been looking for Blake for hours now, and she's still nowhere to be found. But we're not about to give up just yet.

"Blaaake!" I shouted hoping that she'll answer back. "Blaaake! Where aaare yooou!?"

"Blaaake!" Yang shouted as well.

I turn to Weiss who looked like she wasn't even trying at all.

"Weiiiss, you're not helping!" I scold her.

"Oh! You know what might be able to help?" she said mockingly. "The police!"

"Ugh," I cross my arms in irritation. "Weiss..."

"It was just an idea!" Weiss stated.

We continued down the sidewalk, before I answered back.

"Yeah, a bad one."

"Weiss," Yang spoke up behind me. "I think we should hear her side of the story before jumping into any conclusions."

"I think that when we hear it, you'll all realize I was right!" Weiss retorted.

"And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!" a voice said out of nowhere.

We all turn around in surprise, startled at who we saw.

"Penny! Where did you come from!?" I asked still surprised.

"Hey guys!" she cheerfully ignored the question. "What are you up to?"

No words escaped my mouth, still trying to process on where she suddenly came from.

"We're looking for our friend Blake." Yang spoke up.

Penny thought for a bit before remembering something.

"Ohhhh, you mean the Faunus girl!"

The three of us stare at Penny.

"Wait how did you know that?" I asked a bit concerned.

"Uhh, the car ears?" she said pointing to her head.

"What cat ears?" Yang laughed a little at her statement. "She wears a bo- ohhh..."

We all stood in silence as realization sinks in.

Your POV

We searched the other end of town and still no sign of Blake, where could she be hiding?

"Can Blake really be a part of the White Fang?" Wintria asked with a hint of doubt in her voice.

"We don't know for sure," I replied. "But whatever the outcome may be, we should still hear her side of the story."

"I mean come on, why would Blake even join the White Fang? They're a bunch of criminals." Etsuki added.

"They weren't always criminals, remember?" Perseus countered. "There was a point where they rallied peacefully, without violence."

"Something must've happened along the line that made them turn violent." Wintria added.

"In the end, it all falls onto us." I concluded. "We humans must've driven them to become violent."

Everyone became silent after my last statement as we continued to walk around town. The silence was broken by an explosion that occurred not too far from where we were. Black smoke rose into the air as we ran towards it's direction.

"Well damn." was all that escaped my mouth.

Blake and the monkey faunus went toe-to-toe against White Fang members and Roman Torchwick, and they were killing it.

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