You Belong

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Your POV

I'm currently in a Bullhead, on the way to Beacon. I told my parents about the offer last night and they were thrilled to find out, not to mention Dad made me spar with him for "preparation". They sent me off earlier this morning, but not without new dust variants for my arsenal.

"You must be very skilled to be accepted this late." The Bullhead driver snapped me out of my thoughts as he spoke up.

I stay silent for a few second before speaking up.

"I'm not so sure about that, probably just got lucky."

The driver simply chuckled and gave a thumbs up.

"Well whatever the reason is that you got in, make it count kid. There are many out there who need to be protected by the evil that surround us."

I simply smiled and nodded, but deep within I'm somehow starting to regret getting on this Bullhead. I'm not entirely sure if I can get myself into that academy.

Ozpin's POV

I was reviewing the footage we were able to get from the pursuit the other night, when Glynda caught my attention.

"The Bullhead should arrive here anytime now." She said sternly. "But what made you decide on allowing that boy in here?"

"It's very simple Ms. Goodwitch," I said taking a sip from my coffee. "Take a look at the security footage we took of him during the dust robbery."

"I'm aware of that Professor, but we have many students who are as skilled as him." She countered. "Don't tell me you're doing this just because of the inci-"

"No, it's not just because of that." I said in a serious manner. "It was not Mr. (L/N)'s fault that it happened, we cannot blame the boy for something he had no control over."

I stood up from my desk and looked out the window, I spot the bullhead dropping off (L/N) as we speak.

"He's here, you wouldn't mind escorting him up, won't you Ms. Goodwitch?" I said in a less serious tone.

Your POV

I look around and take in the new environment I was in, everything was definitely a lot different, it feels more open. I saw a lady with blonde hair approach me, so I place down my bag and extended my hand. She gladly shook it, but still kept a stern face.

"Mr. (L/N), follow me please." She motioned to me.

We made our way towards an elevator, it looked high-tech, didn't have much of these back in Haven. As we got to the top, I was greeted by Professor Ozpin who was staring out the big glass window.

"Welcome to Beacon, Mr. (L/N)." He faced towards my direction and casually to a sip from his, what I assume must be coffee. "How do you like it here so far?"

"It's been alright so far, professor." I smiled. "The environment feels really different from my old academy, it feels open and free here.

"Pleased to hear that you like it here so far." He smiled back. "Let's get down to business shall we?"

He sat down on his desk and motioned me to take one of the free seats in front of him.

"Before you can officially become a student here at Beacon, you will be placed under probation." He stated.

My body tensed as he said those words, but the professor must've noticed.

"Don't worry, you're not being put under probation for the reason you're thinking." He reassured. "It's just a rule, that anyone entering the academy past initiation must be observed, to see if the student meets the requirements to permanently stay here.

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