Down Under

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Wintria's POV

We may have been sleeping a bit further away from the campfire, but you could still hear Team RWBY's conversation. I gently lifted my head off of (Y/N)'s shoulder, to not disturb his sleep, and made my way towards the other team.

"Oh, Wintria," Weiss motioned for me to sit beside her. "I apologize if our ruckus woke you up."

"No, it's fine." I made myself comfortable. "I couldn't really sleep to begin with."

There was a short moment of silence, before I decided to break said silence.

"I just couldn't help but eavesdrop into your conversation, it made me look back at the reason why I wanted to be a huntress..." I sighed. "My original goal was selfish, just wanted to clear my family's name as well."

I look beside me to see Weiss give an apologetic glance. I simply shook my head and smiled.

"You had nothing to do with it, none of us did." I reassured her. "But due to the past few months, I had come to realize that there was more to it than just power and recognition."

I stared deep into the fire as memories of my happy family began flooding into my thoughts.

"It's to protect those who cannot protect themselves."

"By any chance, did the professor ask any of you guys on why you wanted to become a Huntsman or Huntress?" Blake asked.

I simply nodded in response.

"Etsuki and Perseus, those two have two complete opposite reasons to become huntsmen. Perseus is doing it for family tradition, while Etsuki is doing it for the thrill." I explained.

Weiss gave me a confused look, while Yang seemed to relate.

"But when we were abandoned on that one mission, I knew what their true intentions were." I smiled.

"Which reminds me, it's my turn to take watch-" I cut Yang off, by motioning to her.

"It's fine, I'll take point for now."

"Are you sure?" she asked. "Your shift doesn't start until the next four hours?"

I simply gave a reassuring smiled and nodded.

I walked towards the vantage point seeing Ruby barely keeping herself awake. I walked as quietly as I could and sat beside her.

"Lovely night, isn't it?" I spoke up, causing Ruby to sit up in attention.

"I wasn't asleep! Who told you that I was!?" she responded all tensed up.

"Relax, your shift was almost over either way." I giggled. "And yeah, I took over for Yang."

We both engaged in a rather long conversation, Ruby was locked onto our little chat, it's like her drowsiness left her body.

"So how did you fall for (Y/N)?" I asked her.

Her face visibly turned red as she tried to hide it underneath her hood.

"I guess it began after a month he arrived. He's funny, witty and doesn't hesitate to help anyone." She smiled. "I guess you can say that he's a very dependable person."

I couldn't help but give off a smile as well, remembering all those moments where (Y/N) has done more than what we had asked for. Zwei however, who Ruby was petting, suddenly woke up barking.

"Huh? Zwei, what's wrong?" she tried calming her dog down.

"H-Hey what's wrong, boy?" I tried to calm him down as well, but he ran off.

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