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Your POV

My team and I were heading towards the library to meet up with team RWBY and JNPR, they invited us to play a board game. Not sure what the game was exactly about, I think it had something to do with Remnant being at war.

"Hey, Perseus..." I called him. "No hard feelings for the 'friendly fire' yesterday right?"

He simply sighed and gave a reassuring smile; "Next time, try not to hit your own team mate?"

"Speaking off yesterday, who knew Ruby was that fast?" Wintria said a bit amazed. "I mean, we knew she was fast, but not THAT fast."

"In the end, she pulled through for our side." I smiled. "Man, I'm glad to be with her."

We eventually arrived at the library only to see team JNPR doing their own business and team RWBY in an all-out war against each other. Well technically, Ruby and Yang were.

"Pretty sneaky, sis." Yang seemed very confident. "But you just activated my trap card!"

Ruby stared at her in disbelief.

"Giant Nevermore!" Yang exclaimed as she slammed the card down onto the table. "If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feather will slice your fleet in two!"

What is this game..?

"But if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces!" Ruby warned her.

Yang disregarded the warning and rolled the die, she then shouted triumphantly. I guess she won?

"Come on, Etsuki." Wintria said dragging her. "I need more weapon ideas for my semblance!"

"I'll be hanging out with Ren if you need me." Perseus said taking his leave a well.

Ever since I got here, they've been nothing but nice and caring. They didn't care about my past and accepted me as their new leader. No they're more than just team mates, they're family, all of them. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts as I saw Ruby tugging on my arm.

"(Y/N)!" she said in tears. "Yang is bullying me!"

"Well I can't really do anything about it, you know?" I said trying to reason with her.

Ruby didn't budge however, and kept staring at me with puppy eyes. I eventually gave in and sighed.

"Alright Yang." I said taking a seat beside Ruby. "Let's do this."

Etsuki's POV

Wintria dragged me off to the weapons section of the library, as she claimed to look for "new weapon ideas".

"Alright, tell me what's up?" I low-key confronted her.

"What do you mean?" she innocently asked.

"Since when do you need weapons, you literally manifest your own." I said crossing my arms.

Wintria let out a short sigh, before looking back up to me.

"I just wanted to do something for (Y/N)." she said looking through a book called 'Weapons for Newbies'. "Remember when he told us about his past? I just wanted to make him feel that we accept him despite of it."

I couldn't argue with her, (Y/N)'s been through a lot and he's not so open about it either. He's only told us so far, not sure if he's told Ruby since they're a thing now.

"Does Perseus have a say in this?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I do." He said approaching us. "He's been nothing but considerate and helpful, unlike our previous 'leader'."

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