Never happier.

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Mike's P.O.V
We've been hanging around today, George took us all to town but Mel stayed at home because she felt ill. Ben was going to stay with her, but she insisted he went with us. We walked around Redhill and picked up the bits that everyone needed. I noticed Ben and George went into Boots to buy stuff for Mel to feel better. Me and Phee went around the shops looking at the clothes, I picked up a few bits and so did she.

When she went into Claires, I went with her but walked off. I noticed the way she looked at Ben and Mel when they were their tops. So I decided to buy something that we could both have. I found two necklaces where they were half a pizza each and they joined together. I found two, one had a P on it and the other had a M. I decided to buy that because we both eat pizza and I thought it was cute but simple. I'll give it to her when the time is right.

As we walked back into the apartment, we found out Mel had gone back to bed. So we let her asleep and all had some lunch in the living room. Ben went to sit with Mel once we had finished, George decided to try do some washing for us all and Dan played fifa. I took Phee into my bedroom to give her the necklace.

"Hey baby, I got you something today."

"What?! No. Why Mike? You didn't have to buy me anything babe."

"Just sit down and close your eyes gorgeous."

She sat down on the edge of my bed and closed her eyes.

I took the necklace out my pocket and fastened it around her neck. I then put my on and told her she could open her eyes. Her hands instantly reached for the necklace around her neck as she opened her eyes. She looked down at it then smiled as she looked at mine.

"Mike! Its amazing!"

"Do you like it?"

"Mikey I love it!"

I reached my arms out to her as I stood in front of her as she sat on the bed. She jumped up and cuddled into my arms. I held her tightly and took in her scent. I love this girl.

"Mikey thankyou so much."

"Hey its nothing, I just wanted you to have something that you could show off like Mel."

"No Mike I didn't mean for the necklace, well I did but not just the necklace. I mean for everything. For giving the crying quiet fan a chance, for making me so happy. For making me feel like I have a sense of belonging. For..."

I interrupted her by crashing my lips into hers. I held the side of her face and kissed her for what felt like forever.

"I'm sorry I go on. I just love you so much."
Phee gave me a cheeky smile when we broke from the kiss.

"Hey its ok, I love you too."

Phee's P.O.V
Mike holds me in his arms, hugging me tightly to his chest. This is the only place I feel safe, it's the only place I ever want to be. I take in his scent as I look at his face. He just smells amazing and his face... Well there's so much I could say about that cute face.

I look from the hair flopping down into his face, to his eye brows to those dreamy eyes. We look into each other's eyes for a while and I see him smile slightly. I then look at his nose, down to those lips, the lips that I have the pleasure of kissing every time I see them if I want. I'm so lucky to have this boy as my boyfriend.

He always goes out his way to make sure that I am happy and I feel secure. I never asked him to buy me anything and he knows that I don't expect anything. But yet he still buys me little things that make me smile. He also knows when I'm feeling low and he's not around, because he'll Facetime me or give me a text to make me feel better. I know when I first told my mum that I hit it off with Mike at the gig, she looked at me funny, probably thinking that Mike was just giving me false hope, because after all I was just a fan. Or maybe she worried that he would 'not be good enough' for her daughter. I don't know what it was, but all I do know is I love this boy with all my heart and I'm so grateful to have him. I know my family love him too, they're all grateful he helped me by being here for me. I know my brother isn't Mike's biggest fan, but at least he's now learnt to accept that he can't do anything to change it.

Ben's P.O.V
When we got into the flat, we had lunch then I went straight to the kitchen with George to make some lunch for Mel. George made her a cup of fresh juice and I made her a pot noodle. When we walked into my bedroom to give them to her, we saw that she was curled up asleep in my bed. We placed the lunch on the bedside table and I sat on the edge of the bed. She woke up and looked up at us.

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