The end.

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George's P.O.V

It turns out when we all thought Mel was getting better, she was simply hiding it well. We visited her on the Tuesday morning and she seemed so happy. But it was at 10:30pm that day we found out the awful news of things getting worse. In the end she slipped into a coma.

Between us boys, the Pryer family and Mel's family we all make sure at least one person goes to visit her everyday. We don't know if she'll ever come out of it, but we have hope... We'll never give up.

Our friendships will always be strong, no matter what comes between us all. We're all finding ourselves better and becoming better people. Some of us may go our separate ways in the future, but we'll never fully give up on each other. We're now reaching the end of this chapter in our lives,ready to start a new one.. A stronger one hopefully.

Well that's it.. That's the fanfic finished. I may write a carry on from this in the future but right now I'm not thinking about it. Hope you enjoyed, thanks for the support. love yous x

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