She hates me!

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Mikes P.O.V

Ben text me telling us Mel was ok. I instantly calmed down and I felt Phee relax beside me.

"Right now we can relax, want to go to bed? It's getting late..." I look at Phee.

"Yeah ok." She smiles and stands, holding her hand out to me.

"Come on sexy bum." I chuckle as I scoop her up bridal style.

She giggles and rests her head on my shoulder. I carry her in the house and straight to my room. I lie her on the bed and take my clothes off, getting ready for bed.
Phee changes into her pjs and we both get back into bed.

"Mike do you you think she's really ok?" Phee mindlessly traces patterns on my chest.

"She'll be fine. Stop worrying about it. She's got Ben there." I kiss her forehead.

"I know but I just don't think me and her are ok anymore."

"Hey everyone has arguments, look at Mel and Ben after that argument they had.. They're still together aren't they?"

"Stronger actually." She mutters.

"See you'll be fine."

Phee lifted her head from my chest and looked into my eyes.

"Mike we're not best friends anymore."

"Did she say that or are you overthinking?" I moved the hair out of her face.

She looked away and her face seemed to drop a bit more.

"Well she didn't say it... but made it obvious..." Her face was full of confusion.

"Phee I'm sure you two are fine, I mean you've been best friends through a lot! And you're going to have to be friends because you'll see a lot of each other since you're both dating members from the same band." I cocked my eyebrow slightly.

She looked at me and smiled slightly. Phee then leant in and kissed my lips gently.

"I hope so..." she rested her head back onto my chest.

She was flicking through her phone as I closed my eyes, drifting into sleep.

"Mike she hates me!" She cried.

"What do you mean?" I took the phone from her hands.

As I looked at the screen I saw what had caused this. It was on Mel's twitter and it was so blatantly about Phee.

'I give up with bestfriends they don't really want me anyway. I don't want anyone in my life but this babe and family <3'
And with that she posted a picture of Ben.

"She's just angry Phee. She'll be okay by the morning." I stroke my fingers through her hair gently.

I get my phone to tweet from my account and notice George has replied to Mel's tweet.

'So I'm not your bestfriend now? Sad times! I want you here, text me x'

It kind of gave me the creeps if I'm honest. He acts so weird with the girls but especially Mel. I guess he feels she's easier to get to because Ben's only just joined the band and he doesn't know George like me and Dan. I mean I respect the man and we all get on well but I don't like the way he treats girls at all.

'Mel I care about you, we all do! And we definitely want you around. Can't wait to see you soon!'
And with that I put a picture of me, Phee, Ben, Mel, Dan and Em up.

There was a lot of notifications but I didn't care about them, I only wanted to see her reply.

'I love you Mikey!'
She simply attached a picture of me and her.

I favourited it and locked my phone for the night. I took Phee's phone and did the same.

I spread my arms out and she hugged me closely. We were lying there in silence when I felt a cold tear trickle down my neck and heard Phee sniffle.

"Don't cry Phee. I hate it when you cry, it makes me want to cry!" I hugged her tighter and kissed her cheek.

"I fucked up big time." she sniffled.

"No you haven't. If you don't want to be best friends with Mel you don't have to be."

Ben's P.O.V

Mel was lying in bed next to me asleep as I was scrolling through twitter trying to reply to some fans.
As I went through I saw the tweets between Mel, George and Mike I favourited them all. But as I scrolled a bit more I saw Phee post a picture of her and Mel with a heart broken emoji (💔).

This wasn't right, Mel had become jealous and it resulted in them both becoming upset. I favourited it and simply replied;

'It's just been a bad day, chin up things will look better in the morning <3'

Typically a lot of people favourited, retweeted and replied to it but I didn't want to see what they had to say. As I scrolled through more a tweet caught my attention.. a fan was telling Mel to kill herself.

I instantly picked up Mel's phone and unlocked it, going straight into twitter to look through her mentions. As I scrolled through more and more I saw more and more hate. They were being so abusive! I thought fans had learned to accept Mel!

I grabbed my phone and tweeted from it;
'Looking at the way some fans treat Mel breaks my heart. I love her so much and to see you guys bringing her down upsets me. Mel makes me happy I wish you guys would understand that.'

With that I switched off my phone and hers, kissed the back of her neck and spooned her. Things had to look better in the morning.

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