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"Bye winters!" A fifth year Gryffindor hollered across the crowded carriage

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"Bye winters!" A fifth year Gryffindor hollered across the crowded carriage.

"Bye, see you next semester!" She smiled happily waving hand.

As she pushed through the entrance of the Hogwarts express, she fumbled with her knapsack which bounced against her side. When she finally squeezed through the lane of people she gawked at all the train compartments and seats, they were all full to her dismay. There were rows and rows of people and she wondered how she was ever going to find the compartment Harry had saved for her in all the ruckus. She had suspected that she was near the back of the train whereas Harry and his friends may have been sitting at the front.

"How am I going to find them now?" She mumbled under her breath.

After what felt like ages of pushing past students, the train took a sharp turn making Alora fall against the side of the wall with a grunt. She rubbed her sore elbow.
That's going to leave a bruise
she thought.

She felt her body drop backwards as the door she was leaning against suddenly opened and she fell into the compartment. She almost screamed from the shock when a firm pair of hands caught her before she could hit the carpeted floors.

She could basically feel him smirking without even taking a glance.

"Could've at least warned me Malfoy." She grumbled as she fixed her posture hastily.

"Where's the fun in that?" He grinned in return.

She glanced around the empty compartment. Only he was occupying it.
"Are you.. alone in here?"
Where are all his friends? Is he that lonely?

"I kicked everyone out a while ago to nap." He said plainly.

"Why?" He paused. An idea sparked in his head. "Want to join?"

Her eyes immediately darted away at his words. She remembered the last time they slept in the same room... the same bed together as a matter of fact.
Her face glowed red. She bit her lip.

The train jolted forwards again and Alora fell against Draco's chest. They both tumbled down onto the cushioned seats. She felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled lightly. She shot him a dirty look, he was enjoying himself too much.

"Hey! I didn't do it on purpose, blame gravity." She pouted as she pushed herself off of him.

"Sure." He smiled. Sarcasm written all over his face.

"If you hadn't opened the door so suddenly then I wouldn't have fallen in the first place." She exclaimed defensively.

"How was I supposed to know little miss clumsy would walk past at the exact moment o opened it?" He leered at her, a glint of mischief visible in his light eyes.

She breathed exasperatedly. He's unbelievable.

"You didn't think I was going to let you leave without saying goodbye to me did you?" He whispered lowly sending her heart into a frenzy. Her heart thumped against her chest and she was basically burning up from the heat of her face.

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