Chapter 1

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“Mom! Where is it?” I yelled to my mom, who was down the hall in the kitchen.

“Where’s what?” She yelled back, confused by my lack of information.

“My scarf! Where is my scarf?” I shouted while frantically searching around my room for my scarf.

“You put it out here by your bag,” she called back.

Oh, so that’s where I left it. I can never seem to keep track of my things these days. I walked out into the kitchen and saw the scarf lying next to my bag just like my mom had said. I grabbed my scarf and slipped it inside of my bag. I wouldn’t need it here, but I’m guessing I would need it in where I was going.

“You ready to go?” She asked me.

I nodded my head and put my bag on my shoulders and grabbed my purse. We walked out of the house to our garage and got in the car. As my mom pulled out of the long driveway onto the road, I said a silent goodbye to my house. I was really doing this. This was really happening. Before I had the chance to over think it and start to panic, I turned up the radio to drown out my thoughts. I sang along hoping to calm my nerves with the action. But it didn’t work. My fingers were drumming on the arm rest and my foot was taping. My mom reached over and grabbed my hand, stopping my fingers mid-drum. I looked over at her, losing my train of thought.

“Sweetie calm down. Everything is going to be alright,” she said soothingly, trying to reassure me with her words.

I took a deep breath and flashed her a small smile. She squeezed my hand then released it, placing hers back on the wheel. I looked out the window taking in everything passing us. It was mostly houses and trees, lots of trees. We were slowly making our way into more urbanized territory. Fast food places, other restaurants, convenience stores, and gas stations littered the streets. People were walking, some for the pleasure while for others it was their main mean of transportation. I started to recognize the area and see the signs indicating that our destination was nearing. My heart started to beat faster and my palms started to sweat.

My mom turned the car into the car park and easily found us a spot. I stepped out of the car and breathed in the scents and fumes of the city. I put my bag on my shoulders and grabbed my purse while my mom grabbed my suitcase from the trunk.  As we walked to the entrance, we let silence surround us, the only noise coming from the wheels of my suitcase. The automatic doors slid open, sending us a cool blast of air as we entered the doors. We got in line but it wasn’t long, making the wait bearable. Which was good. Because the waiting, that’s what made me nervous. That gave me time to think and I, well I didn’t want to think.

We handed over my suitcase and the lady gave me my tickets. We went over to the escalator and rode the machine up to the second floor. We were nearing goodbye and I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes. I can still back out right? Right? No, I can’t. Nor would my mother ever let me. I took a shaky breath as the tears really started to come. Damn it. I told myself not to cry. Why make this goodbye any harder? We reached security and I turned to my mom. The smile was clear on her face but the tears were evident in her eyes. Ah shit, now I’m really going to cry as I felt the tears fall from my eyes.

“Well I guess this is it,” I said shakily.

“I guess so. I love you so much sweetie.”

“I love you too mom. I promise we’ll talk all the time, okay?”

“You better believe we will.”

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and hugged me. We sat there, locked in each other’s arms, as my tears stained her shirt. Before she pulled away she whispered into my ear.

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