Chapter 8

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I woke up with a sheen of sweat covering my body. I looked at the clock as it read 3:00 am. Why am I up? And then I felt it; my stomach twisting uncomfortably. I ripped off the covers and sprinted to the bathroom just in time to empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Lovely. I stood up from the bathroom floor a bit shakily and began to walk towards the comfort of my bed. My stomach had another idea though, as it churned again, causing me to vomit again.

Instead of causing myself to become sick again, I laid down on the bathroom floor and pressed my cheek up against the side of the tub, allowing it to cool me. I went through my symptoms. The sweats, vomiting, shaking. I was feeling a bit sore and achy like. I shivered and realized that I also had the chills. I probably have the flu. Awesome. Just what I wanted.

I allowed my eyelids to close and tried to force myself to slip into unconsciousness.

I woke up awhile later, unaware of the time. I was still feeling horrible. I tried to stand, wanting to leave the bathroom. My stomach churned again, wanting to rid it of contents that were no longer there. I stood dry heaving until my stomach finally calmed down.

I walked slowly back to my bed, not wanting to upset my stomach again. I crawled underneath the covers and flipped on the TV, not setting it on a specific channel. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and noticed I had two messages and two missed calls. All from Harry.

Harry xx

Morning love. How are you today?

Harry xx

Hey. What are you up to?

I checked the clock and the numbers read 1:30. Wow I slept late. I decided I should call Harry back because he seemed a bit worried. I clicked on his contact and hit the call button. The phone rang once and then in the middle of the second ring someone answered.

“Riley?” Harry’s voice rang out through the speakers, sounding worried.

“Hey,” I said. I winced at the sound of my voice; it barely came out as a whisper.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Harry asked his worry increasing.

“I’m fine Har. Just a bit of the flu,” I told him, trying to let him not worry. It was hard to talk, my throat dry and rough.

“Oh Riles,” he said, sympathy filling his voice. “What can I do?”

“Nothing Harry. Seriously don’t worry about me. Besides I thought you had band stuff today,” I said to him.

“We do. Or we did anyways. We had an interview that just finished up. Lou and I are on our way home now.”

“You shouldn’t have been worrying about me during it though. You should have been focusing on the interview,” I told him, reprimanding him a bit.

“You hadn’t answered me. I thought something was wrong. And look, I was right,” his tone filling with a bit of smugness.

“Yeah yeah shut it Styles,” I told him.

“Are you at least feeling a bit better?” He questioned.

“Eh. I’m not puking my guts out anymore if that’s what you mean. But that’s basically because my stomachs empty so not really,” I told him honestly.

“Lovely,” he said, disgust filling his tone.

“Hey you were the one who asked,” I reminded him.

“And I already regret it,” he countered.

I let out a chuckle. I could feel my eyelids begin to droop again. How was I still tired? I had been sleeping all day.

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