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"We learn from our mistakes"

After that we decided to go follow them to Melinda's home because Maya told me that they were heading there for a meeting. We sat in the car and we saw Melinda leaving. My parents sat in their car as well. Now that they both left it was our turn to leave because we don't want to make it too obvious and I also told Maya to slow down. We are just 10 minutes away from Melinda's home. Maya- '' When we are there, first we will have to stop for a while and wait 5 minutes. When 5 minutes has passed then we go confront them with the video''. Olivia and I- replied and said:'' Perfect''.


It's about time, 5 minutes has passed and we have to go confront all of them. I knocked on the door. Melinda opened and she seemed really surprised. She said- "Oh hi Jazmin, didn't know you were coming here''. I replied- "Melinda, stop acting I know everything". Melinda was speechless then I heard my mom's voice and she said- "Melinda, who is it?''. Then I decided to go in and confront them with my video. ''I know everything about all of your plans. Melinda I thought we were good again. I know it's very hard to forgive but everyone deserves a second chance. I know you hate me a lot but I want you back, I've missed you Melinda',  I said with a regretful face.

Melinda and My parents were just smiling at me like it's not a big deal. My mom said- "Now that you know your not my real child, you are going to jail now!''. After I heard the sentence my heart broke in 100 pieces. ''But for what?''- I replied. ''My real child is Melinda. You bullied her which I will not tolerate that. And you very well know of what I'm capable of so don't talk too much and come with us''.

''Not so fast Mr. Hale and Mrs. Hale -Maya screamed. You had to see all the faces when Maya and her agents came in. ''Doing a lot of illegal work are we here?''- Maya said.'' Your company checks have no signatures and you giving all of them away? Not a smart move Mr. Hale and Mrs. Hale. Maya and her agents took Melinda and 'my parents'. Before they took them I told  Melinda- "You very well know I never really bullied you. It know what happened that night. I know how you felt after that night. Even if you forgave me a day I will still not forgive myself. I know an apology might not change everything but at least I tried''.

Melinda said nothing.

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