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"Oliviaaaa!", Jazmin screamed.

"What happened Jazmin?'', Olivia replied surprised.

"Don't you have somewhere to be at?'', Jazmin replied confidently.

Quickly Olivia ran outside and before she closed the door she screamed:'' Jazmin! Thank you! I owe you one!'' Who knew older sisters can be that irresponsible, Olivia forgot to go to her first job interview at the NC center.

When Olivia leaves the apartment, the house is so empty there's nothing to do but then I remembered ''HOMEWORK'' how can I forget that. College life can be hard sometimes.


I was doing my homework and assignments until then I read this and something came in my mind:'' You should always apologize to someone for own good no matter what, an apology can change everything". It has been 3 months since that day. Melinda.'My parents'.I don't even know how I feel about that. Since that day I made a promise to myself 'to move on'. I know I made my BIGGEST MISTAKE but what do people do now? They learn from their mistakes.

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