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It'd been a pretty simple mission. Get in. Collect our data. And get out. So how could it have gone so wrong?

It's not like I'm ungrateful for being chosen for this mission. In fact, I was honored. Our crew was the first humans to venture this far into space. So far into the unknown. But nothing, not even this could make what happened next worthwhile.

We had just landed our shuttle on the Kerberos' icy plains, and set up the drilling rig. It was hard work, especially in the high winds of the planet's surface, but we managed. After all, that's what we were trained for. It'd been a long road to get here. Long hours at the Garrison. Training. Sacrifices. Preparations. All leading up to this. I stopped for a moment to look up at the dark sky, riddled with tiny dots of light. Beautiful. And to think, one of those was Earth.

"Right Shiro?" Matt's voice jolted me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I couldn't see his face through his dark space suit but I swear he rolled his eyes. "I said, Isn't this exciting?" I looked down, and saw he was pulling out the first ice sample. I chuckle."You guys get a lot more excited about ice than I do." "This is history in the making," said Dr.Holt, "Not only have we traveled farther than any human ever has, but this ice could hold microscopic clues of life outside Earth." He stood to one side, watching his son proudly. "Think of it dad! We could use these clues to be the first humans to meet aliens!" I smiled at his enthusiasm. Though he was sixteen, Matt sounded like a child on Christmas day. Dr. Holt sighed contently, "My life's work would be complete." There were no words for how wrong we were.

Suddenly, a loud roar filled the air, and a shadow fell over us. I looked up - first in confusion then in horror. It was nothing that I'd ever seen. The whole thing was black, and radiated this eery purple light. It was huge, blotting out the sky above. It was... a ship? Everything went black as I felt the gravity leave my body. Little did I know, my life would never be the same.

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