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The first thing I feel is a stabbing pain. The air throbbed with movement, although all I could see was the blinding lights above me. Maybe that was just my head. Everything ached. It felt as if the world was a current, sucking me under as I struggled to catch my breath. I tried to move my arms and legs, but found they're strapped to the table. Great.

 A soft whoosh indicates a door is opened, and I flinch.

"Ah, our Champion wakes," 

I know that voice. 

Despite my efforts to move away, my body stays frozen as a rock. I can feel them coming closer. The Druids. And their ringleader, Haggar.

 "W-What do you want," I say, trying to keep the fear out of my voice. 

"To congratulate you on your victory of course, you are our Champion after all," For a moment, she actually sounds sincere, and fond? But  that melts away into the sickly voice I've come to know.

"I am not your anything witch!" I spat out, turning to face her. Even a small thing like that drained my energy though, and I slumped back.

"Oh, but you are Champion. You are Mine." She stops, studying me carefully. "But you are yet to reach your full potential."

At an unseen signal, the Druids flock around me. Just as they do after every battle. Every day.             I brace myself for the pain to start, but...nothing comes. Something is different today, and that can't  be good.

 I look back up at Haggar, and something glows in her hand. A blade. It glints sickly purple, and seems to pulse with energy.

"What are you doing?! What's happening?"

Two sets of hands clamp down on my shoulders, pinning me down. I look around wildly, wishing I was anywhere but here. I try to struggle but it's no use. Haggar smirks slightly.

"I'm cleansing you. Improving you. Zarkon will be pleased with his new weapon." She brings the edge closer to my arm. Inches away from the skin.

"What?! I-please plea-"

I scream in agony as the world turns white once more. Pulling me back under again.

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