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I look outside the Black Lions helm. The asteroids whizz by, and stars illuminate the cockpit. I sigh, leaning forward and holding my head in my hands.

We'd just lost a supply shipment to some refugees on a nearby Coalition planet. Critical for rebuilding after the Galra destroyed half of their city. And to make matters worse, they weren't even the ones's fighting. They were to collateral damage from one of Voltron's ground battles. 

And we'd lost  it. In the heat of battle, Voltron took a hit because we were unfocused and un-unified. The ships we were escorting were shot down, and the supplies lost. All because I wasn't there for my team. I didn't pull together, to be everything I should have been. 

It was all my fault.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm even supposed to be the Black Paladin.

 I didn't earn it.

 I didn't do anything. All I did was crash land on Earth and be lucky enough to be picked up by the right people. 

And now innocent people wouldn't be able to rebuild their homes because I didn't have what it takes to lead.

Two sharp voices broke me out of my thoughts.

 "Ugh Keith! It was all your  fault we lost! If you hadn't missed all the Galra fighters. We would have won!"

 "NO! You're  the one wasn't paying attention to the Ion Cannons. I swear Lance I-" I sighed deeply, and Keith stops mid sentence. 

"Shiro? Are you okay? You seemed...distracted out there." I can here the worry creeping into his voice. 

"Yeah-Yeah I'm fine," I try to assure him. "We'll need to find a way to get that shipment back. Those people need us!" I hear the other Paladins grumble defeatedly in reply, which doesn't help much.

As we head back to the castle to regroup, I'm surprised to hear the Black Lion purr reassuringly. This makes me smile a bit. Even though today was a defeat, there's always hope for tomorrow.

Shiro Angst  || Voltron One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now