Watching From Afar.

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Okay so I've been looking around and I've yet to find a fanfic with Shiro after Season 7 where he actually deals with losing Black as his lion, and basically being replaced completely. Sure, some of you could say that it's happened before in Season 3, but that was Kuron we're talking about - and even he piloted Black eventually. I just don't understand how Shiro- THE REAL SHIRO is suddenly fine with cutting all ties with the Black Lion. Soooo, I'm gonna write one. :0

 (Coming Soon)

It'd been a month since the Lions had crashed from the sky. 

Shiro still remembered every second of it.

He'd watched as the paladins were taken one by one from the wreckage of the once glorious lions. He'd watched as his team slipped in and out of conciousness. He was sick of watching. They didn't let him do anything more than visit them every single day. They wouldn't let him help reassemble the lions. Or even go and see Black. It was infuriating. 

What made it worse, was everyone was so kind. They all told him that he was a hero, that he had done well.When all he did was stand to the side. And watch the team, his team get blown out of the sky. 

How would he ever forgive himself? No wonder Black didn't want him anymore.

He'd never felt so alone.

He was just about to walk out of his office when he was stopped by a concerned looking Sam. After exchanging dull pleasantries, Sam asked the question Shiro was sure was coming.

"You seem distracted lately Shiro, is everything alright?"

Shiro forced a smile, "Of course! The paladins' recovery is steady and the lions are almost operational, why wouldn't I be?"

Sam gave Shiro odd look "Well-I guess, ah never mind. I came in here to deliver a message,"

Shiro perked up. Surely this would be good.

"Oh? What for?"

"Well, you've been nominated to give a speech about our victory. Since so many aliens are settling on Earth, the Garrison thinks it would be a good idea to spread the message of peace with a familiar face," Sam continued.

"So a former Black Paladin then?" Shiro asked, "Wouldn't the current Voltron be better suited for something like this. How come we're not waiting for the team to be up and about?"

Sam paused for a moment and cleared his throat. "Well-uh, the thing is. We're not sure if they're going to wake up in time,"

"What do you mean? They've been recovering well. None of them are having seizures anymore. I'm sure they'll wake up soon!"

"Shiro," Sam put a hand on his shoulder, "I want to have faith too, I really do. But realistically-"

"Realistically?!" Shiro took a step back, shrugging Sam's hand off. "no no-NO!" He brushed past Sam with such force it sent the older man into the door frame. Almost running now, he turned down the massive hallways, not caring about all the heads that were turning. 

Finally, he burst through the door to the open desert, and climbed onto his bike. Blood roared in his ears as he swerved down the cliff's ridges until her skidded to a stop right in front of a ledge. 

Looking up for the first time, he stared at the starry sky, tears forming on his eyelids. 

"I can't-I can't do this." he whispered to no one but himself.

"I can't be alone again."

[Before update~Ok, so I've hit a bit of writers block - as you can see. There was supposed to be more, but I can't put my ideas into words rn. I'll update soon. Ciao!]

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