Chapter 6

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"Wanna know why?", he smiles.
" because you're just as insane as me!", he smirks.

He takes some steps towards me stumbling. He takes out the bandana that he'd put in my mouth. I cough and spit on the floor. He looks me in the eyes.
"You...yoouu-", he collapses on my lap before he can finish what he was about to say.
What happened to him? Why did he suddenly collapse? I stare at the figure on my lap right in front of me. Was he drugged? He looks so peaceful now. It's as if all his worries left him, a smile starts forming on the angle of my mouth. What am I doing? Smiling while looking at the crazy, horrific person who kidnapped me. I'd rather call him devil.

His eyes closed and his dark black hair all messed up while he's peacefully sleeping, I wouldn't blame anyone who would want to kidnap him. Wait, what am I thinking?! I have to try to wake him up before he starts drooling!

"Hey Zack! Wakey"
"Wake up!!"
"Wake up kidnapper"
"Wake up devil"
Nothing seems to wake him up. I can't even move my hands when they're tied to the pole.
I try moving my legs in an attempt to wake him up from his peaceful sleep. But nothing seems to bother him.
The innocence showed on his sleeping face. It's as if nothing in the world could wake him up now. Wait... what if he's dead!!? Wouldn't that be a good thing? No..that can't be true since I can feel his cold breathing on my lap, and it tickles for sure. Looking at him I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep.

"Rise and shine lady"
I wake up to a deep voice and greenish hazel eyes staring at me.
Not Zacks eyes. I try to open my eyes. At the start the vision is blurry. Why does my back feel so good? And why does it feel like I am laying on something very soft.
"Had a beautiful night with Zack?", the man smiles at me. Wait... it's the guy I bumped into at the party! I quickly rise up. Brown hair combed to the side, a perfect jawline and a teasing smile. He looks tall and muscular and is wearing a wine red suit matched with a dark blue tie. Prince Charming? Am I living in a fairy tale? The real questions are...
What is he doing here, who is he!? And why am I not in the basement? How am I in this cozy bed woken up by a handsome prince? So many questions. What if he saved me from the devil?

"W-who are you!" I look at him.
"His older brother, nice to meet you", he smiles and offers his hand. I shake his hand with a confused expression, still lost.
"So how long have you and Zack been sleeping together? Please tell me you used protection", he looks at me with a worried expression.


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