Chapter 3: Is a Baby a Good Idea?

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Jay and Lonnie were making their way over to Auradon Prep. Both had become PE teachers (Lonnie teaching girls and Jay teaching boys) and coaches (Lonnie doing ROAR and Jay doing Tourney) at Auradon Prep.

Jay and Lonnie were one of the couples that came to everyone suddenly, but everyone wasn't surprised. They were perfect for each other after all. They had been married for awhile now, and they couldn't be happier in the life they have now. Well, almost happy. Lonnie was a little quiet that morning.

"What's with the silence, Lon?" Jay asked, showing concern for his wife.

"It's nothing," Lonnie replied.

"Are you sure?" Jay asked.

"It's just...," Lonnie began, "Audrey and Chad have a son and a daughter on the way. Now, Mal and Ben have a little one on the way. Evie and Doug are currently trying for a baby, and Jane and Carlos have discussed it."

"Where are you going with this?" Jay asked.

"Jay, would you ever want kids?" Lonnie asked.

"Lonnie, are you-"

"What? No," Lonnie replied. "I was just thinking. What if we had a baby?"

Jay was shocked, but, at the same time, he wasn't surprised. Lonnie was really good with her students and other children of all ages. Lonnie's older brother already had three kids. Baby fever must have been caught by Lonnie. Jay sighed. "Is a baby a good idea right now?" Jay asked.

"What do you mean?" Lonnie asked.

"It's just that we've been so busy lately," Jay explained. "Tourney season is starting up again, so I'll be out of the house more and coming home later. ROAR will then start for you, and who knows if said child will even be born by then."

"My mom worked out while she was pregnant with both my brother and me."

"There's a difference between a healthy workout and exerting yourself," Jay said. "And you, missy, are very known for exerting yourself. Almost tied with Evie. Doug has said that he's caught her falling asleep at her sewing machine. I don't need you passing out on a field while carrying our child." Lonnie sighed as Jay's reaction was not the one she had expected. Jay then sighed as he put his arm around her, making her look up at him. "Hey. Just because it may not seem like the best time, that doesn't mean I don't want to have kids with you."

"You really do want kids?" Lonnie asked, a smile beginning to grow on her face. "Even with your past with your father?"

"I'm passed that, Lonnie," Jay said. Even though being a bad father was probably the number one reason he was scared to have a kid, he wasn't going to let that get in the way of his true love wanting a child. "Hey, how about we talk about this more tonight?" Jay asked. "We can talk about our standings right now then decide for sure whether or not to have a kid."

"Really?" You really mean it?" Lonnie asked. Jay nodded. "Thank you, Jay!" she said, hugging her husband. Jay had been hugged several times while living in Auradon, mostly by Mal and Evie, but to him, Lonnie's hugs were the best.

That night, during dinner, Lonnie and Jay discussed everything they needed to discuss when deciding if it was the right time to have a baby. They decided that they were financially and mentally good for a kid, but the subject of timing was still up in the air.

"If we start trying now, and if we get pregnant right away, the baby will be born towards the end of the school year. I would say in May or June," Jay said.

"ROAR will have ended by then," Lonnie explained. "I'll be fine."

"Obviously that means the baby will be only a few months old during the next Tourney season. I don't want to leave you alone most of the time," Jay said.

"Like I said before, Jay, I'll be fine."

"You don't know that," Jay said. "It could be overwhelming doing it mostly on your own. I want to be able to help with the baby anyway I can."

"I won't let you quit being the Tourney coach," Lonnie said.

"I know that, but I just don't want you to be alone in having to raise the baby. As the father, I should be there too."

"And you will be," Lonnie said. "Why are you so scared with leaving me alone with our baby?"

"It's just I've seen the effects of stress and anxiety on Mal and Evie. Mal in high school and Evie when she first opened Evie's 4 Hearts. Mal is already having anxiety about her kid. I don't want you to stress too much over this."

"You know, Jay," Lonnie began, "Mal told me that she had a conversation with Belle. Belle had told Mal that she is not alone in this. Neither will we. We have our friends and family who will be there for us every step of the way. True, you will be gone a lot, but I won't put it against you. I'm sure the kid won't grow up hating you either," Lonnie said. Jay's face then dropped. "I know you're scared of not being a good father, but trust me, you will. I have every faith that you will have the best intentions for any children we have."

"Children?" Jay questioned.

"Too soon?"

Jay chuckled. "Let's take baby steps. Let's see how we do with one child. Then, we can decide on more children after that."

"So what I'm hearing is that yes, we can start trying for a baby?" Lonnie asked, excitement starting to build up in her chest.

Jay looked with loving eyes at Lonnie. He could tell this was something she really wanted. He could just imagine their kid having Lonnie as a mother. Lonnie would be the most supportive mother she could be. Jay then started to imagine what he'd be like as a father. He knew he'd love their child for who they were, girl or boy. "Yes," Jay replied.

Lonnie squealed as she jumped into Jay's arms. Jay embraced his wife tightly. When they looked at each other, they kissed each other passionately. This was a new journey in their lives that they were ready to take.

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