Chapter 10: Adventures in Babysitting

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Carlos and Jane were having a relaxing day at home. Because it was the weekend, they weren't currently needed at the school. The two of them enjoyed having free time that they could spend together.

The two of them were almost expected to get together. They were both the youngest in their class in high school. They were just too adorable to not be a couple. They also supported and helped each other. Whenever Jane is stressing over an event that needs to be planned, Carlos was always there to talk some sense into her and ease her stress. Jane was also there to build Carlos's confidence when he is feeling nervous or anxious.

The two were enjoying a movie on the couch when the phone rang. "I got it," Jane said, getting up from the couch. Carlos gave her a pouty face as she stepped away from their cuddle session. Jane chuckled. "It'll just be a minute." She picked up the phone. "Hello? Oh, Audrey, Um...Oh...Really?...Right now?...I mean, Carlos and I aren't doing anything at the moment..."

"Does cuddling count as doing something?" Carlos asked. Jane laughed in response.

"Of course we can....Okay. See you later. Bye."

"What's going on?" Carlos asked curiously.

"Turns out Chad's grandfather is really sick, so Audrey and him are heading to Cinderellasberg right now," Jane replied.

"Oh, that's too bad. Why did Audrey call about that?" Carlos asked.

"Because she was asking if we could babysit Chad Jr. and Aria tonight."


"I said we'd be able to do it."

Carlos began standing up, worry starting to build up on his face. "Jane, are you sure? Junior can be a little difficult."

"He's two, Carlos."

"Exactly. Have you ever seen a calm two year old? Especially a calm two year old boy?" Carlos asked. Jane shrugged, understanding Carlos. "And Aria is only a few months old."

"Please, all newborns do is eat, sleep, and poop," Jane said.

"And cry," Carlos added. "And cry and cry and cry."

"Okay, okay, yeah, I know," Jane said. "But Audrey and Chad really need someone to look after the two of them. They're our friends, Carlos. Can't we at least do something nice for them in a time of need? Beside, remember what we agreed on? We would babysit all the others' kids in order to practice for one day when we have our own."

"I know," Carlos replied. "I'm just a little nervous I guess. What if I mess up tonight?"

Jane went up and hugged Carlos. "You won't. I promise. We'll work together on this. It'll be our own little adventure. Just, you know, in the comfort of our home."

Carlos laughed. "Thanks Jane. How'd I get so lucky to end up with such a wonderful girl like yourself?" Carlos asked. This caused Jane to blush. The two then leaned in for a kiss. "Shouldn't we be baby proofing the place? Like I said, we'll be dealing with a two year old."

"In a minute," Jane said, still embracing Carlos. "We're gonna finish this cuddle session first."

After cuddling, the two began to baby proof their house in case Junior got his hands into something possibly dangerous for a toddler. After about twenty minutes, there was a knock on the door. Both Jane and Carlos walked over to answer the door.

"We're so sorry this is so last minute," Audrey said, holding Aria in her arms.

"It's no problem, Audrey," Jane said.

"Unca Cawos!" Chad Jr. shouted.

"Hey, buddy," Carlos said, picking up the blonde toddler. "You ready to have fun tonight?"

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