Chapter 13: The Perfect Child

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With their hectic schedules, Evie and Doug hardly had time to have some together time. Tonight, they made it apparent that they would spend some time together. The two of them weren't very big on dates. Sure, Evie had grown up always wanting everything to be extravagant, but now, she enjoyed the small and quaint things in life.

That night, they had a picnic under the stars. It was perfect for the both of them. The fresh air was especially good for Evie after all the morning sickness she had been experiencing lately. Doug was happy because he knew his love was happy. She may not be considered a princess because of her mother's stripped title of Queen, but she was royalty to him.

"Can you believe we are going to find out the gender of the baby tomorrow?" Doug asked Evie.

Evie placed a hand where the baby should be resting. "Yeah," she sighed.

"Don't worry, Evie," Doug said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Everything's going to be fine." Both had been worrying about the baby. By now, the baby should've grown a bit, but one couldn't even tell Evie was expecting.

"I-I know," Evie replied. "Just a little nervous, but I can't wait to see if it's a little boy or girl." Evie had always imagined having a big gender reveal party, but with the amount of time it took to finally have a baby, she couldn't wait any longer. She didn't have a preference of what she wanted. Sure, a girl would be great to dress up in cute outfits, but Evie just wanted her child to be happy and healthy. Doug didn't have a preference either; he wanted whatever Evie wanted.

"What do you think the baby would look like?" Doug asked. "What about names? I know Evan and Delilah were tossed up in the air."

"We're finding out the gender tomorrow, and you're already thinking of names?" Evie asked with a laugh.

"Can never be too early," Doug said. "Plus, might as well start now. A name is something that needs lots of time to think about. Other than the little one being healthy and happy, a name is the most important part of who the baby is going to be. It's part of who they are. It's part of what makes them...them."

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am," Doug said, taking out a sheet of paper and a pencil. "Now, time to discuss who our perfect children are."

"You've had this planned all week, haven't you?" Evie asked, laughing once more.

"You know it," Doug replied. "Anyway, for a boy, I was thinking about the name Dustin."

"That's a nice name," Evie replied. "And he would have light brown hair and hazel eyes just like his father."

Doug laughed. "Okay then," he said as he wrote it down. "And for a girl, she would have blue hair and dark brown eyes just like her beautiful mother."

"And she would have glasses," Evie added.

Doug looked at his wife in confusion. "So, you want her to have bad vision?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Let's not think about that part," Evie said. "She would be adorable. Plus, one of our kids is bound to have your bad eyesight. I think we both know this."

Doug laughed as he wrote Evie's discussion of their perfect daughter down. "She needs a name. Since I named Dustin, why don't you name this one."

Evie looked up at the stars as she thought about a name. Any perfect, little girl needed the perfect name. Evie sat there for awhile. It took Evie a full minute before she answered. "Elaina," Evie said. "It means bright, shining light. Kind of like the stars tonight."

Doug looked up at the stars. They were definitely pretty; just like his princess. "That's perfect," he said as he wrote it down.

The rest of the night, Doug and Evie continued to think of names and what they thought they would look like. Even if the baby didn't turn out to be like their "perfect child", they knew they would love him or her for whoever they would become. Though, with the amount of names, looks, and personalities they had come up with, it would be unlikely for their kid to not fit in at least one of their suggestions. The two were practically prepared for anything.

After the naming spree, they both lied down on the picnic blanket and looked at the stars. The couple then pointed out all of the constellations they could recognize. They even tried to make out different shapes in the stars. Of course, Evie seemed to see a baby, but Doug couldn't see it.

It was then they noticed a star shining brightly above them. They decided to name the star Elaina, after what their perfect little girl would be named. The star probably already had an official name by the Auradon Space Association, but that didn't stop them. The star could've been millions of years old and already dead. The star could've been a planet for all they knew; that didn't matter. It was their star. Their Elaina.

It was almost midnight, and Doug had begun to pack up the picnic. He had a hard time since Evie had fallen asleep on his chest. He kissed her forehead lightly before setting her down on the blanket. "I love you, my princess."

(Fun Fact: This chapter was one of the first chapters I wrote for this story! Evie and Doug are my favorite ship from Descendants, and I just love them together.  So happy to finally have this chapter out.)

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