Chapter 12: Blue or Pink

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The day had finally come where Lonnie and Jay were going to find out the gender of their baby. Unlike Ben and Mal's extravaganza, they decided to have a small get together with their closest family and friends.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" Lonnie asked Jay.

"Well, what do you want?" Jay asked.

"Hey," Lonnie laughed. "I asked you first."

"I want whatever you want," Jay replied. "So, what do you want?"

Lonnie placed her hands on her hips as she thought about it. "I actually never really thought about it. I mean, not saying it's what I want most, but I think a boy would be nice. If we're talking numbers, my brother has one boy and two girls. If we have a boy, it'll even things out. But of course I'd be happy with a girl too."

"I think a girl would be nice," Jay said. "Cause she'd be just like you."

"Aw, Jay," Lonnie said, blushing.

"Come on. Let's go find out if that cake is blue or pink," Jay said.

Later that day, the party was held in a small park in Auradon. Pink and blue balloons were set up with pink and blue streamers spread out. Li'l Shang approached Lonnie.

"So, are you gonna have four kids, so you can beat me in number of kids?" Li'l Shang, carrying his youngest, Mila.

Lonnie smirked. "We'll just have to see." Lonnie noticed Mila beginning to wake up. "Well, good morning, sweetie," Lonnie said. "Decided to join the party?"

Mila pointed at Lonnie's belly, which had grown quite a bit. "Seems to be very observant for a just-turned-one-year-old," Li'l Shang said.

"She's gonna be a smart one," Lonnie said.

Soon, Lonnie joined Mal, Evie, Jane, and Audrey. Mal and Jane were wearing pink shirts while Evie and Audrey wore blue. "Hey, ladies," Lonnie said.

"Hey, Lon," Audrey said. "Looking great."

"Thanks," Lonnie replied. She turned to Evie. "How's the morning sickness been?"

Evie sighed. "It's going away slowly, but I'm still rushing to the toilet at 3 am," Evie answered.

Lonnie chuckled. "Don't worry, it'll be gone soon."

Evie tensed up. She had told everyone the news, but Mal was still the only one who knew what the possible outcomes could be.

"I was only sick during the first trimester," Audrey said. "Once the second one starts, you should be fine."

"Mine only lasted a month," Mal added.

Lonnie chuckled. "Wow, I'm lucky. Mine only lasted the week before I found out."

"I'm praying that morning sickness doesn't hit me too hard when the time comes," Jane said. They all giggled.

Soon, the husbands joined. Carlos and Chad were wearing blue while Ben and Doug wore pink. They started throwing jokes around and shared memories from their days in high school.

"Hey, should we cut the cake now?" Jay asked. Lonnie looked up to her husband and nodded.

Everyone crowded around the table that had the cake. Inside would be either blue or pink. Jay and Lonnie each grabbed a knife so they could cut from each side. Everyone then started counting back.






Jay and Lonnie cut the cake open and saw this:

	Lonnie covered her mouth, tears threatening to escape her eyes

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Lonnie covered her mouth, tears threatening to escape her eyes. "It's a girl," she whispered.

"It's a girl!" Jay yelled, swinging Lonnie around. Lonnie laughed as Jay swung her around.

"That's two girls," Carlos said. "Your guys' kid better be a boy," he told Evie and Doug, making them laugh.

"I can't believe it's a girl," Lonnie said, her tears now coming down her face.

Jay wiped away her tears with his thumb. "She's our little girl. She will be tough and her mother."

"And she will be brave and her father," Lonnie said. The two then leaned in for a kiss. They were going to have a little girl.

(Sorry for the delay on this chapter and how short it is. Didn't have much time to write this one. Hope you guys liked it. Lucky for you guys, you get two chapters in a day!)

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