Chapter 31: A Little Fairy is Born

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Carlos stood at the vending machine while the mechanics of the inside dropped his chips and cookies down to the bottom of the machine. They had arrived at the hospital at around 4 that morning; it was now almost 7 at night. Carlos had gone sixteen hours without eating, and he really needed a snack.

Even though he was super hungry, he had probably the biggest smile on his face. Carlos grabbed the snacks and returned to the room. There his beautiful wife, Jane, lay on the bed with a very content look on her face as she looked down upon the bundle that rested on her chest.

Carlos sighed happily. They're daughter was here. By then, she was already two hours old. Both Carlos and Jane fell immensely in love with the little baby. "Still sleeping?" Carlos asked as he took a seat in the chair next to the bed.

Jane nodded. "I can't believe how content she is," Jane said. "She only cried for a couple minutes after she was born." Carlos began to rub the back of the baby's back. A smile grew on her face, which caused a smile to grow from Carlos' face. Jane chuckled. "Already knows when daddy's here."

Carlos could hear the crack in Jane's voice. Like the others when their daughters were born, they didn't really discuss what was going to happen. They just wanted to enjoy the time they had with their child. Carlos leaned in and kissed Jane's temple. "She'll be alright," he whispered in her ear.

Just then, the little girl began to open her eyes. It was just a squint at first, due to the bright lightning in the room, but after a few seconds, she had opened her eyes wide.

Both Jane and Carlos gasped. "Well would you look at that," Carlos whispered. "She's got your blue eyes," he told Jane. "Taking a lot after mommy, I see. First the brown hair, then the blue eyes. When are you going to start taking after daddy?"

Jane laughed. "How much you wanna bet she's gonna have freckles like you? I mean, that's got to be the cutest thing ever."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Carlos got up to open it. He greeted Fairy Godmother as she made her way into the room. The woman's smile seemed to be bigger than it usually was. She let out a small gasp as eyes fell upon the little bundle in Jane's arms. She rushed over to the side of the bed, trying to get a better look at her new granddaughter. "Bibbidi bobbidi," she whispered. "Oh Jane, she's absolutely gorgeous!"

"You wanna hold her?" Jane asked.

Fairy Godmother nodded, taking the chair on the other side of the bed. Jane sat up slightly, placing her hands underneath the baby to pass her to her mother. Fairy Godmother's heart melted as she held onto the warm bundle. "Hi, baby. I'm your nana," she whispered. She then looked up to Jane. "Does she actually have a name? Because when you guys said it's a surprise, I sort of believed you guys were covering up the fact that you hadn't chosen a name yet."

Jane nodded. "She does have a name. We've actually had it picked out for a really long time. Before we even found out the gender. Maybe even before we found out I was pregnant."

"Cayla Jennifer De Vil," Carlos said.

Tears began to build up in Fairy Godmother's eyes. "You....You named her after me?" Fairy Godmother asked in disbelief.

"Wait what?" Carlos asked.

He turned to Jane. Jane shook her head. "All this time, you didn't know my mom's name was Jennifer?" Carlos shook his head in embarrassment. "What, you think her parents went, 'Hm, Fairy Godmother seems nice to name a child,'" Jane said sarcastically.

Carlos couldn't help but laugh since Jane wasn't one to use sarcasm a lot. He thought it was cute when she did.

"Jane, I...I don't know what to say," Fairy Godmother said, still adoring her granddaughter. 

"It was the least I could do," Jane said. "You've done so much for me. Even after dad died, you made sure to look out for me. I can't even imagine what you went through. All the times you probably cried when I wasn't around. I always knew that if I were to have a daughter, Jennifer would be in her name."

Fairy Godmother caressed the side of Jane's face with the back of her hand. "I love you, Jane."

"I love you too, mom."

"I love you too, Carlos," Fairy Godmother said. "You've always been a light in our family." He nodded in response. Fairy Godmother turned back to Jane. "I know that tomorrow is going to be hard for the both of you." Both Carlos' and Jane's smiles dropped. "But just know, I will be here for you both whenever you need. We'll get through this like we got through your father's death. Together, as a family."

Cayla is here! Short chapter, but excited things to come in future chapters!

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