Chapter 11: Expecting to Lose

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(AN: This story is going to have some time skips that aren't consistent. So this chapter takes place when Mal is a little farther in her pregnancy. Just expect more of these abrupt time skips because I may not say whether or not it is a time skip)

Mal and Evie were sitting in a small cafe. As they grew older, the two made it apparent that they spend time together at least once a month. They chose a small cafe just outside Auradon Prep that they often went to during their first year of college. Because they were known customers there, the owners of the cafe made sure that the paparazzi stayed away from the place, knowing the Queen just wanted time alone with her best friend.

"So, how is castle prepping for Baby Beast?" Evie asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"The castle workers really are excited for her," Mal said, rubbing her round stomach.

"Chosen a name yet?"

"Yeah, we have," Mal answered, taking a sip of her tea.


"You're just gonna have to wait and see," Mal replied.

"Come on, I'm your best friend," Evie whined. She began making a pouty face.

"Put the pout away."

"Hey, that's my line," Evie said, laughing.

The two always enjoyed having their little conversations. "So, Jay and Lonnie find out the gender of their baby soon," Mal added.

Evie nodded. "It's going to be a boy. Just watch."

"Nu uh. It's gonna be a girl," Mal said. The two laughed again.

"Can you imagine Jay as a dad?" Evie asked. "If it is a girl, he's definitely going to be super overprotective of her."

"Oh yeah," Mal said. "That poor girl will never get a boyfriend." Mal noticed that something was off about Evie. "Evie, over the phone, you seemed kind of anxious."

"I did?" Evie questioned.

Mal nodded. "And now, you just don't seem like yourself. I mean, it's not by much, but I can obviously see that something is wrong. Your tone even seems a little nervous." It was in that moment that Evie sat up straight and began taking deep breaths as if she was going to get sick. "Evie, are you alright? You look a little pale."

Evie nodded as her breathing became normal again. The sick feeling had passed. "Y-Yeah. I...I'm fine. Just a little nauseous. That's all."

Mal leaned in and placed her hand on Evie's forehead. "You don't feel warm, so you most likely aren't sick with a fever or something. Maybe you're just stressed. I know things have been pretty busy with 4 Hearts and the school."

"N-No, it's not that. It's just..." Evie trailed off.

"Evie, you know your health comes before those dresses," Mal began. "I mean, I know Doug gets terrified every single time he finds you passed out in front of your sewing machine. I just don't want you-"

"Mal, I know what's wrong," Evie finally said.

"Then what is it?"

Evie shook her head and chuckled. "Are you really that oblivious?" Evie asked. "I felt like you would've automatically picked up what's going on."

"Evie, I don't understand," Mal replied.

"Mal," Evie began. "My due to morning sickness."

"Evie, why would you have morning sickness? You'd only have morning sickness if you were..." Mal looked at Evie, beginning to understand what was going on. "You're pregnant?" Mal whispered loudly.

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