Chapter 8: Waiting

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Carlos and Jane were on their way home. Both of them were kind of silent. Something was on Jane's mind. "Carlos, how do you feel about having kids?" Jane asked.


"Yeah. I mean, Mal and Ben are having a daughter, and Jay and Lonnie are now expecting. It's only a matter of time before Evie and Doug are expecting. I know they're trying."

"From what Mal's told me, Evie and Doug have had a hard time getting pregnant, so I don't know if they'd be expecting anytime soon. Where are you going with this?" Carlos asked.

"I know it's a long shot, but what if we have a baby. I mean, our jobs are pretty calm. We don't travel a lot. I think having a baby would be great." Carlos sighed. "What?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, Jane, but don't you think we're a little young?" Carlos asked.

"I mean, yeah. We're old enough to have kids though. And by old enough, I mean socially acceptable. We're only like a year to a year and a half younger than the others."


"You're scared," Jane said.

Carlos looked up over to Jane, his brown eyes meeting her blue. "How'd you know?"

"Whenever the topic of kids comes up, you always seem to stutter," Jane said. "Do you not want kids?"

"Of course I want kids, Jane," Carlos said. "It's just, I never knew who my father was, so I wouldn't know how to be a father figure. My mom wasn't much help either. In case you haven't noticed, the villains weren't the best role models."

Jane sighed. "I get it."

"You're not mad?" Carlos asked.

Jane shook her head and smiled. "Of course I'm not mad. Your reason is totally understandable."

"If it makes you feel any better, I do want to have kids, especially with you," Carlos said. "You'd be an amazing mom."

Jane looked down as her cheeks began blushing. "You'd be an amazing dad. I just know it."

"What if we wait, like, a year," Carlos said. "Maybe we can babysit Aria and Chad Jr. as practice, just to see how it is. Once Baby Beast and the other little one arrive, I'm sure we'll be babysitting them too."

"I like that idea," Jane said. "I'm totally fine with waiting if it means we can get ready before it actually happens."

"I love you, Jane," Carlos said.

"I love you too, Carlos," Jane replied, kissing her husband on the cheek. "Can you imagine what a blue-eyed, freckled kid would look like? They'd be so adorable."

Carlos laughed. "You stop that right now." The two laughed as they drove back home.

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