Sudden Changes

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*2 years before chapter 1*  onto where fhapter 1 left off*

Gotham Academy:
  Dick wasn't the best at staring at me in the halls. He always thought I didn't notice him looking over at me while, he was kissing Barb, but I did and I wasn't the only one. It was new atmosphere for me the big fancy school, with all these rules about being polite,respectuful, caring, and all that other bullshit. I had pretty....what's the word for it? Fucked up life! My mother and father disowned me at a young age and I was in and out of foster homes, because I acted out in rebellion, but that's normal! I was a kid abandoned as a newborn! How would you feel? I was in and out until this year though, I had died my hair black because I wanted to go for the bad boy look, because that's who I am! I'm genectically a red-head but they're known for the complete opposites of who I am, fair skin, intelligent, bossy, etc. (Not to offend anybody just some words okay, not saying its all true :) I was the bad boy, tanner skin, not the smartest, quiet, and well you get the point. But hey I guess Dick had a thing for red heads! Even though on the outside I wasn't one! But back on topic my entire life changed when Selina Kyle A.K.A Catwomen adopted me! She taught me how to fight, how to steal, how to flirt my way out of situations, and she was and still is the only one who knows I'm gay! She doesn't judge me for it, she wasn't an adoptive mother to me, she made me feel like her own son. And that made me happy, made me look at life differently. But as I said I wasn't the only one who noticed Dick looking at me! Barbara Gordon, his girlfriend could notice it too! And then before you know it, Senior year was sneaking up like a "Smooth Criminal" such as my mother, and all of sudden Barbara Gordon comes up to me with a huge smile on her face, asking me to give her my number! So I responded... Sorry but I don't swing that way buttercup! She laughs, oh you thought I meant for me, no I meant for the guy you've been staring at for the past 2 years Jason. How'd you?... I'm his bestfriend nothing sneaks by me! Why did you think I broke up with dimwit? Wait you broke up with him because... I broke up with Dick because 1.) I have a crush on his brother 2.) I can tell he was more intrested in you and 3.) Y'all would be cute together! I grab my phone and we switch phones, she somehow got Dick's phone and I could tell because of him on the background smiling, which made me blush, and I quickly entered my number while Barbara entered Dick's into mine, the second after I got his number I got a text from my mom, saying we are helping Batman with something tonight, I was pumped because my mom was always telling me about the cute moments she has with him, but she won't say his idenity, I guess it makes sense to keep the fear he has on Gotham in place! I must've been smiling the entire way home because when I looked in the mirror, roght before putting my red hood helmet on my entire face was red. I sware i'm not allowing a boy who I just talked to for the first time do this to me! Well not talk, more lile stare at eachother for about an hour drinking frapps. Same thing though. Right? It's normal to stare at someone for an hour! Yeah!... Defiently! So I head off to where we were meeting up woth Batman and My mother. I was not expecting to see something awe inspiring, mind blowing, wrapped in a nice red winged bow standing on a roof top with beautiful fair raven hair,pearly white sparkling teeth, abs showing through the armor on this boy, god I was staring at him and it was obvious he was staring at me too! He nudged the girl standing next to him who had red fiery hair and she tryed to keep a straight face but smirked just a little, I wonder what was funny? Did I leave my fly open?! That couldn't be it! But then it hit me when I saw the perfect jawline, looking like it was photoshopped but could slice a cow in half! That was Dick Grayson the boy I just stared at for an hour! I'm suprised it took me that long to notice! And the girl was Barbara! That makes so much sense! But oh... That, I know was just the beggining of a relationship I wanted to happen so badly for 2 years now! It finally started, but I'm not making the mistake I did with my ex! I'm taking it slow this time!
Word Count: 824

A/N: and chapter 2 done i think the next chapter will be a text convo between them idk yet! But like i hope yall enjoying if not idc im gonna keep writing because like y the hell not! But seriously who's his ex you'll have to find out and by take it slow... What does he mean, you'll have to find out my shitty attempt of cliffhangers lmfao 😂 but fr im gonna upload maybe again on monday idk maybe sunday ill see depends on how my inspiration is going i def thinm that i can take this a long way, just bare with me some grammar and spelling errors may be in here i normally dont know till im about to write the next fhapter so i can refresh my brain on what i was writing so yeah im sorry about that but bye for now!

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