Right Or Wrong

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Three days since the passing of Barbara Gordon. So many things happenend in the short amount of time. The Commissioner retired, Tim was still missing, Alfred had recovered from his cold, Dick & Jason were working through the pain, Bruce & Selina worked with the Justice League to find The Joker, and Damian has now taken up the mantle of Robin he's learning to work as a team with the Dick Grayson founded Teen Titans. Bruce had payed for Barbara's funeral tommorow, and Jim asked Dick to speak at it. Dick accepted so now here he was speaking at his bestfriend's funeral with a color scheme around the church of purple and gold. All of GCPD surrounded the church.

Barbara was... She was more than the girl with the brain, she was a fighter, the toughest one I knew, she was caring. He stops. I could sit here all day and say who she "was", but that wouldn't do justice to everything she brought to the world! So instead I'm gonna sing a song. A song she asked me to sing whenever this day may come. A day I hoped would be later from now. She wanted a song that represented how we felt, a song that the words may be sad, but it prepares us she said. She told me you never leave, even when you're gone. A part of you will always stay.
(Play Song)
I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you,
I love the things that you do
We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do, I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe, I need to feel you here with me, yeah
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear will always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

The night came quicker than expected, but Barbara was watching over, you could tell

Nightwing? Miss Martian said telpathically

Yes? Dick responded

I found Joker's location! She said

Do Not Engage!

But... He cuts her off

Leave it to the Bat-Family!

He text Jason

D: Meet me at this location in 5
J:K, why?
D:I'll see ya there handsome
J: So is this Red Hood or Jason you need in 5?
D: Red Hood now, Jason later 😉
J: I'll be there 💜

Jason meets Dick at the location

So why are we here? Jason ask

I found Tim. Dick whispers

So, where's Batman?

Not coming.


Jason, you said you'd do it!

And I will, just think about what Barbs would want.

They enter, fighting off all of Joker's thugs, finally arriving face to face with the clown prince himself, Joker starts to record and broadcast this to all of Gotham

This ends now Joker! Dick yells

So Batsy loses 2 babies and sends 2 more to finish it? Maybe he's funnier than I thought? Hahahahahhahahahahhaha.

Shut it clown! Jason yells

Batman didn't send us! Dick says

At the cave

Alfred where are they?

I believe Master Dick has blocked your tracker.

He's gonna get himself killed!

Jason is with him they'll be fine! Selina says

Miss Kyle is correct, Master Dick has yet to fail and with Master Todd nothing will stop them.

Alfred, I fear Dick will cross the line.

Master Dick would never! He knows Miss Gordon would never forgive him!

And Jason?

Master Todd would take the shot, but he too knows Master Dick won't do it.

Joker's hideout

Joker was on the ground

So you here to do what Batman won't Bird-Brains? He laughs hysterically.

Jason pulls out his gun and shoots Joker in his knees, then walks to hover above him, Jason looks back at Dick, Dick nods, Joker sees this and fear comes across his face, Jason puts the gun to Joker's head

Stop! Dick interupts

Change your mind? Jason ask

No, I want to do it. Dick grabs the gun and starts to talk to Joker. I re-watched the clip of you shooting her everyday for a week! He puts the gun at the same spot Joker shot Barbara. You always get what's coming to you! I won't kill you, but I'll make you wish I did.

At the cave:


Joker's Hideout:

He shoots.

Hahaha you missed! Joker laughs

Not miss, just miss the organs that kill you and hit the vertabrae to paralyze you! Dick says standing up. Enjoy life the way you made her live! And for Harley, she won't last long without the life of thrill. You're alone. You're forgotten, you're washed up! And if you ever touch my family again i'll let penguin get hold of you, and I hear you two don't like eachother much!


He crossed the line!

Master Bruce he broke a bone, you break bones too!

Joker's Hideout:

Jason and Dick get Tim and leave after telling Gotham where Joker was and they can come clean up the mess

At the Cave : 10 minutes later

I handled him Bruce! Lay off me! Dick screams

You Crossed the Line!




AH, I See! You realize you can't be Batman forever!? He's gone crime will go down! I did you a favor without crossing the line! I'm not a child Bruce, I'm not Robin, I'm not you!

Dick leaves and starts texting Jason

D: wanna run away?
J: as long as I'm with you.

Word Count:1071

A/N: ooh what a chapter lol joker isnt dead jason and dick run away together and barbara is dead what's next you ask well this is where the fun begins! Buh bye for now!

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