The Lightning Strikes

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"Choose your words carefully" Mrs. Hunter said as the ending statement for class. Oh how right she was, because if you don't say the correct words you may end up putting yourself in a nightmare that could've been avoided. Stupid... Stupid Jason! You had to puss out when trying to ask Dick out! And well now your gonna have to go through training with BATMAN. That's it! I've never been so mad at myself! How can I be scared to ask him out? I can rob banks, take Black Mask head on in a gun fight, and be seen as the toughest guy in school. But I can't ask someone out? What the hell is wrong with me? You know what i'm not afraid i'm gonna ask him out right now!

Hey Dick! He gave me them sparkling  blue eyes. Hey Jay, what's up? I froze. Um...nothing You know same old same old. Uh so Jay you excited for training tonight? Yeah! Can't wait! I mean why wouldn't I be excited I asked to do it in the first place! Oh yeah! Bruce told me to tell you, that he's too busy to train with you so I'll be handling it.

I never told Bruce about Jason wanting him to train I wasn't gonna let an oppurtunity like that pass me by. So I lied to Jason told him Bruce would be too busy. So I could get some time with him. Do I feel bad that he doesn't get what he wants? Yeah. Am I sorry for lying about it to have my own self intrest? No.

When Dick said that he would be training with me I had forgot why I was over here in the first place. Wait why am I over here. Oh well. I asked Dick where we would be training and he told me his teams cave. I repeated "team" to him. What team?

Jason didn't know that I ran a team of sidekicks. So I told him that we would be training in the Young Justice cave. He gave a face of okay yeah cause that explains everything look. It was hot though! Everything he did was hot. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that sexy head of his?

I was still confused at where the hell Dick was taking me, then all of sudden here we were in a telephone post, when he said give me one sec... Done! I gave a still very confused, right. He then asked me to step through one of the panels in the small box. I think he's hot and all but he is crazy? He wants me to step through a solid glass panel? Okay. Then I hear, my name well secret persona being voiced over a computer, Red Hood 018. I don't know what that means then I hear, Nightwing 001. Wait if I'm 18 that means Dick was the first one! Then all of sudden I see something I thought I'd never see again. My ex! The asshole, who cheated on me and used me! How fun? Just my luck I get stuck in a room with the man of my dreams and the man of my nightmares!

When my name glared over the Cave's computer I saw him look over at Connor. All I could think to myself was no way in hell was I letting another guy of mine fall into his arms and Connor take them from me! Just not happening! Then here came Wally and again I just thought, I sware Wally if you dare flirt with Jason i'm gonna rip your legs off!

I was mad to see Connor, so I just looked back at Dick, and well let's just say he didn't seem happy at all. Well that's good atleast he has a problem with Connor too. See him and I already have some things in common! Then in the flash of an eye some red hed boy to which I think he was flirting, but he won't good at it! So I just told him, keep flirting Carrot Top and I'll put a bullet through you spine! I hear Dick laugh to himself, then the boy speeds over to Dick and well trys to knock him over, but Dick has him on the ground in a blink of an eye!

I laughed when Jason shut Wally down! Atleast I don't have to worry about bozzo taking my man. Wally tried to blind side me, but i'm too smart to let him hit me, so I swiftly pulled out one of my escrima sticks and shocked him on the sode precceding to knock him off his feet onto the ground, and in my normal fashion I joke it takes more than speed to take me down KF! I just had to worry about Connor taking Jason now! Now that I really have fell in a deep crush on Jason I knew that Connor was gonna "Give Me Hell"

Word Count: 834

A/N: hope you enjoyed and now we getting some drama cooked up how fun? Is connor gonna ruin the chances for Jay and Dick? Maybe not but he will def cause some bullshit out of anger, but luckily Jason has an advantage, to make it so he doesn't have to worry about Connor. And Dick well he doesnt know y jason doesnt like connor all he knows is that he will do anything to make jason his. Will jason grow a pair to ask dick out, you'll have to find out.

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