Broken Promises

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6 Days Prior: Random Rooftop

So how do you plan on spending your last week "alive?" Cassandra ask.

Working. Dick laughs.

Don't you think it's smart to spend some valuable time with Jason?

Look... If I spend too much time with him, he'll get suspicious. Jason knows the risk he signed up for when asked me out. Dick sniffles a tear

Dick what do you plan on doing when you get back? If you get back.

Marry him. Dick lets out a faint smile

And if he moves on?

Support him. Dick fake smiles

Dick, I don't think you understand... Dick interupts her

I know how much this is gonna hurt him... A tear falls down his face. That's why I can't say goodbye.

So giving him the idea you'll make it back home and be in his arms, when you know you won't is better?

Cassandra, why does it bother you? You agreed to this.

Because... She takes a deep breath... I've seen relationships come and go I've been where Jason is gonna be. And from what I saw at the police department and at the karoke bar, I don't think you truly understand how much this gonna hurt Jason.

More tears start to fall, Dick wipes them away.

Jason... Jason is strong, stronger than I can be... I know he'll be okay.


He'll be okay

~Dick was torn deep down, half of him wanted to tell Jason the plan, but he knew that Jason would talk him out of it, the other half knew that telling Jason could get them both killed~

~Night Of~

Dick was returning home for what he knew would be the last time in a year, while he was fumbling to get his keys, a half asleep Jason opens the door from the inside, Dick doesn't speak he just puts a smile on his face picks Jason up and immediately presses his lips against Jason's

Jason releases

What's gotten into you? Jason laughs

Nothing, just happy to see you! Dick smirks going for another kiss but gets interupted

I don't believe that, did you get a raise or something? Jason laughs


Then why are you so eager?

Maybe I just wanna have fun with the love of my life! Dick flirts

Not buying it.

Your killing the mood. Dick moans

Well, you're normally all "We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off" to have fun. Jason mocks

So no sex? Dick pouts

Woah woah, let's not go that far!

Can I continue? Dick pleads

Yes, my king! Jason laughs

And on that note Jason and Dick continue

~30 minutes later~

*heavy breathing*

Round 2? Dick says very energetic

Jason looks at him like he's joking, then realizes Dick is serious

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