Dynamic Duo!

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Alright! Dick and I made a plan to defeat the three unknown aliens in our pathway, we had to be careful, because we didn't excactly know this species. We just know that they were able to stop the entire Justice League except for those without powers! So obviously they underestimate us! The plan was I go around the east hall to lead me into a flanking position on the aliens and while I'm getting into postion Dick will distract them with in his own words "his charm." Of course I can believe him on that because I'm always distracted by whatever he's involved with! As I'm approaching the perfect postion, I hear Dick's playful tone "hey bozzo's! You must be tourist? Because, well no offense, but the ugly convention is kinda a mile away! And I wouldn't want this year's winners to be late!" I shake my head and snicker to myself, when I see Dick's body thrown right past me. I step out and insult the bastards. "Hey! I don't know what hell hole you things came out of ,but on Earth it's rude to throw people!" Emphasis on the rude, I hear Dick say. As I'm drawing my side arms out I go at the things again with well a warning and a promise. "So since y'all are new here, let me teach you about something called Kharma!"  The being look at eachother confused then put their sights back on me. "That's right! You don't know what that is. Well let's just say she's a .... Bitch!" On my last word the sound of a thump on the ground fills the air. I blow off the excess of my side arm and say. "Now who's next?" Before the aliens can strike back I stun them with a flashbang gernade, and I hear Dick yell the only manvuer he had time to teach me and that's manvuer 3. I quickly put my guns in their holsters and prepare for Dick to put one foot in my hand and I put force to throw him towards the aliens. He does a 360 flip in the air swiftly prepping his escrima sticks for an electrical blast that will stun the aliens! As Dick is behind them I use his distraction to run behind them and slide in between the two remaining aliens and as fast as possible put explosive gel between them causing them to just stumble a little. I knew the only way to take them down is to finish them! I pull out my side arms shoot them both in one leg causing them to fall, and Dick does a kneeling headscissor take down on both of them causing their faces ti be on the concrete, and I move behind them putting 1 bullet through each of their heads. "So much for winning the paegent" I smirk at Dick's comment. 5 minutes till' self destruct! Wow 5 minutes left on the board and I thought we would barley make it out! Dick laughs. Ironically I spoke to soon. As we step out of the cave we have 20 aliens ready to take us out. I sigh. You've got to be fucking kidding! Dick responds to my frustration. "Maybe I was mis-informed, the ugly convention must've been here this year!" How do you always find a way to joke in any situation? It keeps me young! Okay pretty boy! Ready for round 2? Is Batman the worlds greatest detective? Yes I'm ready for Round 2 little bird! Little Bird? Ohhh, pretty boy if the aliens don't kill you, I will! Don't ever call me little! Lighten up a bit Red, just joking around! I know, I just wanted to scare you! Good job! 3 minutes till' self destruct! Oh shit! And on that note I pull out 4 flash bangs and throw them in all directions. Dick responds on the stun and uses the cave wall as leverage and gets behind them to do an electrical blast, he stuns 10 of them so I shoot all ten of their legs knocking them down! As I'm finishing them off Dick is thrown yet again! "They too much to handle pretty boy?" I shoot 5 of them in the legs and flashbang the other five. "Gotta do everything myself these days." I finish off the remaining 5 then go to help Dick up, when I hear duck! Dick took one of my guns and shot! "You missed one Red!" I laugh. T-minus 30 seconds till' self destruct. We should probably get going! Yeah I was just gonna say that. We laugh and run to the dropship we keep on the beach and as soon as we make it in the air the cave explodes. "So much for the ugly convention" I laugh at my own joke. "Yeah so much for that" Dick jokes. Dick "my life would suck without you" I think to myself. He gives me a smile and we continue onto the batcave.



Word Count: 842

A/N: Sorry this chapter wasn't the best fight scenes are weirds but we got through it, wonder what Joker has to with anything? Keep reading you'll find out! Here's a good saying to give yall a hint "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" if ur smart then you'll understand what's about to happen! So i hope y'all enjoyed i'll try to have something up by sunday if i dont im sorry! Welp.. Buh bye!

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