The Things We Love Pt.1

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Jason, calm down. Selina says is her sweet, soothing, motherly tone. It's just another date. No need to stress yourself out.

Jason re-thinks what his adoptive mother says

But... but it's not just any other.

Selina lightly presses her hand on Jason's shoulder

What do you mean? It's just some random boy, right?

Not excactly. Jason takes a deep breath to himself. It's Dick!

A smile spreads across Selina's face

Then you really have nothing to worry about!

Why? What's that supposed to mean?

She laughs quietly, more of a smirk

Because, when you love someone, everything could go wrong, and you still find joy, because it is just a "date" what matters most, is the person you're with. That's love! That's what you two share!

Like you and Bruce?

She slowly blinks her eyes



Of course, everyone's love is different, but you two, your special, you share something no one else does, your better!

Jason smiles and lightly blushes at the thought of him and Dick.... Together!

So Jason, where are you taking him?

I... I don't know?

She gasp. Well then, we better go ask a man with more wisdom of this world than us!

He shakes his head, confused. Who?

Alfred! He always has the best advice.

Ah, Miss Kyle. What do I owe this pleasure?

Hey Alfred! I wanted to talk to you about Bruce and I?

What has Master Bruce done to upset you Miss Kyle?

Oh no Alfred, he hasn't done anything wrong I just, we haven't been the same lately.

Do you want to talk about this with some tea?

I would love to!

He hands her some homeade tea

So, what do you mean by it hasn't been the same?

Alfred knew, but he also knew Selina had to get this off her chest

He's been distanced lately, and I love him, but he just hasn't been as close to me as he used to. Tears start to form in her eyes. I think I wanna end things with him, but my heart is telling me no!

Miss Kyle, I believe you need to Give Your Heart A Break, my mother would tell me, love is believing that everything is gonna be okay. Love is knowing that time will resolve any problems. But love is also knowing when to let go of things you hold closest. Master Bruce never learned to let go, that is why you must. I believe that you will make the right decision, because you know already know what it is that's telling you it's time to let go.

Thanks Alfred! You're always helpful!

I hope to see you soon Miss Kyle?

You will! Thanks again!

                     Present Time:
Selina rings the manor's doorbell

Alfred! May we come in?

Miss Kyle, you most certainly can!

They walk to the kitchen

So what do I owe this pleasure?

Selina looks at Jason. Jason needs your input on something, and was wondering if you can help?

Master Todd, is this about your date later this evening with Master Dick?

Jason looks stunned. How did you know?

Well, whenver Master Dick doesn't have Miss Gordon to speak to, he talks with me. So I'm assuming you don't know where to take him?


Because, every man has been in that situation. I suggest something old fashion.

Old fashion?

Master Dick loves the old-fashion romantic way!

What do you suggest I do?

First, you show up to the manor with some flowers. Blue Lilacs specifically, take him to the Old Gotham Drive- In- Theatre, watch an older Romantic Comedy film. Once the film has ended the sun will be soon to set, drive to the top of the Gotham Mountains, watch the sunset and chat with one another, after I suggest you take him to his favorite spot, the Gotham lake, bring a towel for you two to lay on and watch the stars! Make sure to park you car a good distance away! Walk around the lake for a little then return him back to the manor, lay a long memorable kiss on him, and I will open the door for you, I'll make sure dinner is ready! And give you two some time alone, once you are all done, you can return home! And go out to do your nightjobs! You will take it from there!

Thanks AL! Who knew you were such the romantic?

My pleasure Master Todd! I presume you have some preparing to do!

Yes I do! Jason leaves the manor to prepare for the date

Alfred? Selina says.

Yes, Miss Kyle?

That's the same thing Bruce did with me!

Because, it may be called old-fashion, but it works, you loved did you not?

She smiles. I did!

That's why Master Dick will love it! Because you two have the same personality when it comes to love! Just as my young love did!

She smiles. I'm gonna miss you Alfred!

He wraps her in a hug and let's go. And you the same Miss Kyle!

Bruce, I think it's time we end this.


Bruce I can't, it's better to give it some space. Maybe we can try again later?

I'm gonna miss you!

I'm not leaving! We will see eachother still! Just not on the same side of crime.

I'm going to stop you.

You'll try! But you won't succeed!

My father always said. Why do we fall?

So we can learn to pick ourselves up.

Maybe that's the case for us?

Maybe. Bye Bruce.


Word Count: 926

A/N: How was this? The date is coming soon I just wanted to put more in here! There will be maybe 4 parts to this so 3 dates and this! I hope you all enjoyed and I hope you continue to read, it means a lot to me! So as you can see the main ship in this entire story now is JayDick, because thats what matters most! So part 2 will be coming soon. I hope you all can wait a few days lol. Welp buh bye! Oh I know I said Sunday yeah I'm uploading it on a saturday! Sue me! Better now than later

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