Chapter 17

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Stepping out of the school building I noticed the girl that I heard Max call Tia stood at the far side of the building away from the paparazzi. I walked closer noticing she was impatiently calling someone but the person was picking up because she kept muttering for them to pick up.

As I approach her and stood in front of her, the phone went down and she stared at me accusingly. I shifted a bit on my spot and looked up at her murdering eyes because I knew no matter what I had to stand up to her in other for her to help me.

"Why do they hate you so much?"

"Because I deserve it" I answered looking down at the flour

"why though? I don't understand. In all the years I've known Joseph I've never seen that amount of hate in him...not to say directed at why?"

"You have to promise me that you'll hear me out...all the way please!"

"I don't know because by the sound of it I don't think I'll be in the right frame of mind to listen...because if they both react like that...then don't blame me if I don't exactly act to your expectations."

" I just want you to listen please....I need your help!"

"And what makes you think I'll help you?"

"Because your my only chance to him...please!"

"Okay I'll listen but I don't promise to help..."

"I guess that's fine"

"okay let's go and sit down there"

And so we went and sat down and I told her everything from the beginning till the last day I laid my eyes on Joe before he left and never come.


I couldn't sleep. My brain wasn't closing down I just kept thinking. I knew she was my only chance but from her reaction earlier, I don't think she was going to help me at all...but then again what was I expecting. Nobody in their mind would have heard that and not wanted to kill me.

There was one thing I've learnt from this day and that's I wasn't letting Joe go again! The years that's past had been hard because my feelings for him didn't g away but increases with distance. But the worst thing was knowing he was out there somewhere and I hadn't apologise for all the things and I said and the many ways I hurt him. I just couldn't let him go let alone date.

Whenever I made a promise with myself that I'll go out there and try to move on I couldn't help but compare everyone with him wither is physical or action wise. The rare occasions that I managed to pasting the dating phrase and into a relationship I'll admit were with those who were physically similar to him and through the relationships I found out quite quickly that they weren't Joe but most importantly that I wasn't just leading myself on but them as well.

After seeing him today I knew very clearly that I couldn't move on. There was no guy out there that would replace Joe. The feelings I had for him were ones that couldn't be replaced. And with this realisation, I knew I had to make him listen to me then I'll see where we stand after that...But the most important thing was to get him in a situation where he'll have to talk to me.



Getting back home I noticed that mum wasn't in because her car wasn't parked outside but the lights were on inside the house. As I get out of the car and get inside the house, I heard the TV on in the living room so I go through to see who's there. As I enter, there is Tia sat on the sofa with phone in had and she was tabbing her legs the way she normally does when she's thinking hard with her heard tilted slightly to the side.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask as I walk into the room and sit down on one of the chairs.

She didn't seem to jump like she normally does when you interrupt when she's in the zone but more like turned and looked at me slowly with pity in her eyes...but the strange thing was it was directed at me.

"Yeah I'm fine" she answered simply but her voice seemed flat as if drained of energy.

"You sure..."

"Yeah...can I ask you a question?" She looked up at me then as if trying to see deep inside my soul.


"Have you ever been in love?"

That wasn't the question I was fact I don't know what I was expecting but certainly not that!

"what...what brings this up? Have you met someone?"

"Just answer the question Joe, have you? And no I haven't met someone"

"So what brings up the question?"

"Just answer and stop avoiding the question!"

"I'm not avoiding anything...yes I've been in love! Happy!" I shouted a bit, anger with her tune of voice

"With who?" She asked gently

"With Mark..." I answered to quickly for it to be true and I knew she would have caught on on my lie.

" love with Mark? don't make laugh..." she answered so seriously and that made me anger

"Since when did you become an expect in love!" I replied angrily.

"Since when I was in love with josh! And there is one thing for sure I know...and that is you were telling yourself that you were in love with Mark but in reality you loved him Joe but you weren't in love with him!"

I went silent because I knew what she was saying was true. I was till in love with and there was no denying it. If you knew the many times I've wished to forget him and get ride of this move on and fall in love with someone else but it never could happen. Life was cruel with me always reminding me of those feelings.

"I'm right aren't I?"

"What brings this up Tia?" I asked gently and slowly.

"what Mark said in there, he was right and we both know it! You deserve to be happy Joe!"

I laughed from hearing what she just said - as if I haven't been trying to be happy all my life!

"Happiness wasn't made for me Tia and it's the end of this conversation... I'm off to bed" I said as I got up from the sofa and walked towards the door.

"Just think about it"

"Goodnight Tia" I said as I excite the living room but I knew that I wasn't going to sleep...I'll be thinking about it - thinking on the possibility of us two being together.

The thing is before I could imagine us being together and dream on the possibilities but knew deep down that it wasn't going to happened. But I knew tonight would be different. That kiss tonight didn't just makes my feeling for him heighten but waked up a hope in me that it was possible for us two to be together. This new feeling was alien to me considering thus years that have spent hoping to have him. Going to bed that night I didn't know tomorrow was going to be one hell of a day.

(sorry everyone for not haven't updated...lots have been going on and I've just come back to writing)

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