Chapter 18

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I couldn't sleep last night and I knew from the bottom of my heart that Joe was going to leave town sooner than he originally planned after yesterday but something told me he wouldn't be able to leave today since his mom was so happy to have her boy back home and she wouldn't let him go without spending a day home. The only way I was going to talk to him was passing by their place.

I had some medications I needed to give to his mum anyways so I'll use that as my excuse for passing by and I might as well do her monthly check up so she doesn't have to come in into the clinic unless something was is wrong.

I took a showed and got dress then drove over to the hospital to get my equipment. Today was my off day from work anyways so I took my time in the office making sure I got everything that would help me to prolong my stay. After collecting everything I looked at the time and it was still 9 o'clock. I could pass by now but the problem was when I'm finish I'll have no excuse to stay for a while longer than to go. However if I went at about 12 then it'll be just an hour before lunch time there and therefore I'll be hoping on being asked to stay by for lunch which will give me more time with him. So I have to burn 3 hours at this stage.

Walking out of the hospital building I took out my phone to text my best friend Lucy but notice she'd already text me and even called me twice but my phone was on silence. Unlocking my phone I went to my text messages and opened her message.

Up for a coffee??? if so meet me at Starbucks at half nine x

There was no point texting back because she was going to be there anyways wither I turned up or not. So I decided I was going to meet up with her and it will help anyways to reduce the time before I went to Joe's. Walking into the mall I was still messing through my phone looking through my calendar when I walk straight into someone. The stethoscope was till around my neck but that couldn't be said for my wallet which was on the floor with some of its contents sprayed on the floor. I muttered a sorry to whoever it was and went straight down to retrieve my items

The individual went down as well to help me however I noticed that his hand paused for a few second before going straight down to pick up my hospital card. I didn't bother much to look up at the individual then put continued to pick up my things and placing them back in their rightful places inside my wallet. As everything was picked up and I was about to get up and look at the individual still holding my card I heard my name being called directly in front of me. So instead of looking to my right at the person till holding my card, I look directly in front of me and there was Lucy walking towards me with her boyfriend Andy.

"I knew you'd turn up as always although you are now making it a point of not texting me back

I just smiled up at her and got back up to my feet. When back on my feet dusted my knee then got up and turned to my right and there he was!

He still had my card in his hand but all interest was off the card and directed towards me. For some reason I felt nervous and at edge as he kept on staring at me. Then it got worst when his eyes didn't just linger on mind but moved down my body slowly as if trying to eat me all up in one go. He was rising emotions in me that I'd never felt before and I could feel myself getting turned on downstairs.


Last night I couldn't sleep as I predicted. My mind kept on going in tangled circles and the worst  of the matter was that hope that was implanted yesterday by that kiss. By the morning I'd had enough of my own share of imaging Luke in whatever way possible.

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