Chapter 8

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Luke POV

Watching him walk off the stage, I wondered to myself why he seemed so tense. I noticed his charge of behaviour as soon as people started realising who he truly was but I don't think people knowing was what was bothering him. No,there was definitely something else going on.

Watching closely as he move toward his table, the woman sat down next to his chair looked up at him expectedly. He took a sit and pulled out his phone. My glance then transferred to Max. He was talking urgently to the woman beside him. The woman was listening attentively though you could see that as Max continued talking, she became more agitated. The lady sat next to Joe could be seen trying to get his attention but he seemed to be in his own world as he stared at his phone.

I was so occupied by him that I didn't notice Lucy had been trying to get my attention for a while now. I felt bad for not paying her my full attention considering I am the one who dragged her here.

"Is that him?"

There was no point denying it because she knew all the story and till today...she hadn't stopped robing it it that he was a prick back then. And I guess I really was considering all the things I did and said that wounded him.

"Yeah...that's him"

"Wow he's fit I'll have to give you's just a shame really he's gay. Although I do wonder how you could tread such beauty the way you did"

I just stayed quiet - knowing the truth was being spoken. Then I hadn't thought on my actions but just did it. To stay as who I was till he charged me. To enforce fear to the soul that made me feel so different from any other...see so different.


The presentations and speeches were done and everyone was getting out of their sit to socialise. I stayed put, watching as fellow once class mate greeted each other- some sharing hugs; some being formal and shaking hands while others were participating in their once upon a time greetings.

I shift my glance around the room and met many joyful faces. My eyes caught Kim's and I groan to myself, knowing she wouldn't miss the opportunity to approach me sometime soon and suggest we hung up. I wasn't in the piece of mind for her idiotic talking on how "we were so perfect together and we should be together right now'

I'm not a heartless person, you've got to understand that. I felt bad for using her to disregard my feelings for Joe. I leaded her on in believing I had the same feelings she had for me. I kissed her knowing full well she wasn't the one I was thinking of. We had sex numerous times and there was never a time I thought about her. He was always there in my mind.

But there were times I wanted to murder her. Times like when she thinks it's funny to mess with Joe because I did. The way she looked at him at times and laugh...making jokes that weren't in the slightest funny.

Suddenly there was a cease in communication and a man walked in looking around slowly. As soon as he spotted Joe's table, he began to stride towards them with purpose. All three individuals notice his arrival at the table except Joe. They all had anger facially toward the guy and I wondered what he'd done.

As he reached the table, he sloped down and the next thing I knew he had a hold on Joe's head.

Then he kissed  Joe.

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