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OKAH. Guys this is how I want you to picture Jeff.

1-His hair is now back to its normal brown for he cut of the singed hair awhile back and his brown hair has grown back in but the tips are still black.

2-His Cheshire grin heals due to his healing factor but he cuts the smile again into his face agian and can actually control when he wants it to heal because he has done it many times before.

3-His eyelids are fixed because he want to sleep and to keep shit out of his eyes so Slender helped him

4- He stopped aging at the age twenty Three. All the pastas get partial immortality causing them to age a little while longer. It is different for every pasta and they also gwt their healing factor as said above.

Also this is kinda short chapter.

~Mystery P.O.V

I felt my grin widen as I walked down a familiar path somewhere close to the edge of the forest.

"Go to sleeeeep~" I sing out and loud, clearly enjoying myself. Me being even more joyful than usual because I just finished off some family that found out about Slenderman or something.

It was actually Masky's job but I volunteered because I was bored and felt like doing "something nice".

Once I reached the edge of the forest I look up towards a house that was close to the edge, not far from where I was standing.

My smile widens even more as I notice that a window was open.

People. When will you learn. I think with a huge smile on my face. You people are just becoming more and more careless as time goes on.

When will you people ever learn.

Never, most likely.

"More blood for muah!" I sing out again as I run and jump into the second floor window, still smirking as I do so.

As I look around the room I see two people sharing a bed, adults. Possibly parents.

I quickly kill them off since I actually am quite tired. I should have just came here tomorrow.

I scan through the house as fast as I can so I can just get some rest. I was just about to go, tell I noticed a door I didn't check yet.

I slowly creep my wave over to it, only to notice the door is locked and you needed a key to unlock it.

I decide to see whats in there, and since I haven't seen a key anywhere, I just use my knife by using the flat side to push the thing the keeps the door shut between the Door and the wall, don't know what the hell it is called. And it unlocks. I smirk in victory.

But i slowly open the door. Preping my self for the worst. Since the door was locked and all.

But all it was was some girls bedroom.

I glance over the room and my eyes stop once the find her.

She is curled up in a loose fetal position and her face is streaked in tear stains.

I actually felt bad for her. In all my years of killing, I haven't seen something like this.

A pretty girl in a situation that she shouldn't be in.

No jeff. Bad. Bad bad bad.

But I wasn't lieing.

Just looking at her wants me to do anything so I could see what she lookes like with a smile.

But i need to go. I glance around the room one more time and see a stack of paper and some writing utensils.

I head in that direction and write a note in my handwriting. It wasn't to bad definitely not the best though either.

But I really need to go now.

Heading to the window, I pull the curtains aparts ti reveal bars on the outside of the glass window.

"What the fuck?" I mumble as I loom at the bars with a tilted head

Okay, guess I have to leave through a different window. I thought as I headed back towards the parents bedroom and locked the door behind me once I entered so she wouldn't come in here.

Wouldn't want her to see this mess.

"Ok. Now I just need to decide if I want to go home to my cabin or sleep in my room at the mansion." I wondered out loud as I walked through the wilderness.

Jeff the Killer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now