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  I groan as I roll over and find the bed empty. Of course Jeff left. But maybe it was for the best, if someone walked in Ben would be mad.

  "Hay sweetheart." Ben says with a smirk.

  "Speaking off the devil." I mumble to myself and rub my eyes with my right hand.

  "Hi." I say simply to himm.

  "I heard from a little birdie that you and Jeff went to sleep together cuddling. Now (Y/n), this ain't true right. Because your a loyal girlfriend,  right?" He says growling out the last bit.

  "R-Right." I stumble out even though im lieing.

  "Lies!" He says and smacks me across the face.

  "Ima leave you here, and I'll be back in a hour. I hope your ready to tell me the truth by then." He says and leaves.

  I fell tears slip from mt eyed as I put my right hand over where he smacked me.

  What happened to the nice Ben? The one who was a kind and caring brother, nit a mean abusive brother.

  I think to myself and look down to see my legs are out of the cast and so is my left arm.

  Maybe I can find Jeff... or maybe even EJ. Maybe they could help me.

  Try to walk.

  I hear one of the voices inside my head say and I obey it and stand up.

  I can walk!

  Of course you can Slenderp helped you.


  But the never responded so I quickly decided just to shake it off for now and find either Jeff or EJ withen a hour.

  But I cant go in my undergarments.

  To the left.

  So I look to the left to see that there is a hoodie, which must be Jeff's since it is white.

  Hopefully he won't mind, I thought as I slipped it on over my head for it to end just above my knee and the sleeves completely cover my hands.

  I quickly run to the opposite door Ben went out as quietly as I could and snuck out.

  I ended up in a dark hallway.

  "Hello there?" A demonic voice said as I turned around to see a man, I think, with a mask covering his face. The mask was a deep blue, maybe a navy blue?

  "Hi?" I say.

  "Do you... need help?" He asks like he don't really ask someone if they need help.

  "Y-Yah. Im looking for someone."


  "Um... E-Either J-Jeff or... um EJ? I think." I say as he continues walking down the hall until he is about a foot away from me.

  "I'm... EJ." He says simply.

  "Oh my god." I say and step forward to hug him. "I need your help." I mumble into his chest as his arms slowly wrap around my waist.

  "With... What?" He asks cleary confused.

  "B-Ben..." I say as tears slip from my eyes.

"What he do?!" He asks in a yell as he pushes away from hin to arms link to look at me in the eyes.

  "H-He's mad at me. B-Because J-Jeff helped me g-go to sleep last night." I say at point to the handprint that was still clearly visible.

  "Okay sweetie, lets go find Jeff. He might be able to help." He says and picks me uo bridal style and carries me in a run much faster than my own.

  He then stopped at a door that was white with a bloody.


  On it. It was kinda cool.

  EJ carefully sets me down in front if me, like he was guarding me from the rest of the hallway,  and knocks in the door.

  "Jane if that's you I swear I'm gonna kill you!" Jeff yells through the door before opening it with knife in hand.

  "Oh." He says and a blush creeps it's way onto his face.

  "Hallo." I say while waving slightly and EJ pushes me towards jeff. We stumble backwards and EJ closes the door behind after quickly walking in.

  "EJ?" Jeff says in a questioning tone.

  "Jeff." Ej says but in a gretting.

  "Jeff." He says once more. "I think you need to end (Y/n)'s relationship with Ben then taking her away from here." He says in a ordering tone.

  "Why?" He asks and looks at me. His eyes widens as I turn my head to the side revealing the red hand

  "Holy slendershit!" He says and gently strokes my face.

  He turns his head to EJ. "Who did this?" He asks in a growl.

  "Who else?"

  "Ben." Jeff growls and pulls me tighter to his chest as if he let go I would disappear.

  "Yep." Ej said popping the p.

  "Ej." I said in a weak voice.

  "Yas sweetie?" He says bending down to my hight.

  "Can you tell Ben it's over for me. I don't think I can."

  "Of course." He says while nodding his head.

  "Also make sure you give him a big ol lick right her." I say while pointing at my cheek.

  Jeff gives us the 'what the fuck.' Look.

  "She means hit him." Ej bluntly says the fact as I nod my head.

  "And EJ." I say once more.

  "Yea?" He says tilting his head in a cute way. I smile at him.

  "Thank you for helping me."

  "It's my pleasure (Y/n). It is I feel like we have seen each other before."

  "Who knows." I say which a shrug. "Maybe we have."

  "Yah..." he says and walks off.

  "Okay." Jeff says shaking his head in confusion. "We are going to my cabin. Anf by the way, you look good in that." He says while winking at me and turning around to slip on a black hoodie over his black shirt.

  I look down while wondering why he wasn't gonna wear his white one, when I remember I put it on earlier before I left.

  "O-oH. Do you want it b-back?" I ask .

  He shakes his head with a little laugh.

  "Not now, maybe later. I need to go get your bag. I'll be right back." Jeff says while walking out the door.

  "Alright." I whisper to myself as I walk carefully over to his bed and look at the pictures on the bedroom shelf.

  I see him in a picture with someone who looks a lot like him except that the other has green eyes.

  "Okay let's go." Jeff says while handing me my bag and knife.

  "Okay." I say as I am picked up bridal style once agian and we jump out the window and land gracefully on the grass.

  I laugh and Jeff looks down at me and smiles.

  "Enjoyed that I see?" He says with a laugh and I laugh once more as he takes off through the woods.

Jeff the Killer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now