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I ran and ran and didn't stop tell I knew for sure they wasn't following me.

Amd now I am on the other side of town, where most of my bullies live. I smirk.

"Time for fun~" I sing in a high pitched voice just cause I can and head to the closest house and to make it even better, it was Auston's.

My smirk grows even wider as I see a window open.

Stupid people, always leaving their windows open. They will never learn will they?

But how will I get in the window? To be honest I am not in the best of shape. So I can't exactly pull my self up there.

Looking around I notice there is a rope swing, a tree, and a tricycle. Hm... ah ha!

I pulled the tricycle out of the way and the I headed to the tree.

It looked big enough. It did hold a rope swing they most likely swing on, unless it is just for decoration. If it is, im screwed. Fuck just climb the damn tree.

So I ran and jumped, and just barely wrapped my fingers around the limb and pulled my self up by walking on the trunk of the tree.

So I did thag over and over until I reached his window hight.

Jumping in I smirked. That was fun!

I look around to see I am in a little kids bedroom and he looked at me in shock.

"Damn't" I mumble quietly. "I don't want to kill a kid." I slowly walked to the kid.

"Hay kid." I said quietly. "Haylo" He responds and waves a cute littlw wave.

"You know how your big brother Aust always has friends over?" I question.

"Oh! You must be one of his playmate! He said if a girl ever comes over they are playing and don't want to be disturbed!" He says quite happily. I smile and nod, but on the inside I'm cringing.

"The room on the left. " he whispers. "I'll act like I never saw you." He says then giggles. Then he quickly jumps into the bed and falls asleep in a snap.

"Door on the left." I whisper and head that way.

As I open the door I see both him and Michael naked in bed together her.

"Never thought they were gay?" I whisper in a questioning voice because I can.

I smirk and slowly walk towards them.

"Hay mikey~" I whisper in a seductive tone causing him to wake up.

"Huh? Who... are... you?" He says while yawning.

"I'm your sex angel you prayed for~" I whisper twice as seductive as before. His eyes were still closed but he flashed me he pearl white teeth smile.

"Realy?" He says in a slurred voice.

"Yep!" I say in a chirpy voice.

"Cooool" he says slurring the words agian. "Come on baby~" he says.

I laugh and sit down beside him and slowly pull out my knife.

"Where shall we start?" He whispers.

"Where ever you wish~" I say with my smirk widening.

"How about my lips?" He says and puckers his lips.

Damn when is he going to open his eyes.

"Okay!" I say in a chirpy tone agian and bend down placing my lips on his.

Our lips moved in perfect sync since we once dated. But he still didn't realize.

I felt his hand roam from my head down to my neck and pull me on top of him.

I then pull my self away, disconnecting our lips.

"Mikey, dear?" I whisper.

"Huh?" He says, still half way asleep.

"Can you tell me you love me one more time?" I ask quietly.
"I love.... you (Y/n)..." He says then his eyes shoot open.

"(Y/N)!?" He whisper yells.

"That's my name. Don't wear it out." I said with a giggle.
"Now do me a favor and go to sleep." I whisper in his ear and cover his mouth with one hand and stab him in the chest with the other while giggling.
He then tries to push me off him, and succeeds. Causing me to fall off the bed and hit my head on the floor.

I sit up and moan in pain while rubbing my head to see them both awake.

I growl and say "Shouldn't have done that!" I say with a insane laugh. Then we all go quiet and look at the television to watch it glitch green, black, and red.

Then a hand started coming through the television. Michael died from blood loss and Auston was crying and covering him self up with the blanket as we watched the new character come through the television.

After he was fully out both Auston and I checked him out.

He looked soaking with with both water and blood. He looked like he was wearing a link costume, looking exactly like link from Skyward Sword.

I know I changed the game and kinda how he looks please no hate

He just turns and looks at me.

Then I notice his eyes are pitch black hit red dots in the middle which must be his pupil. . . maybe?

"You said my line." He says in a puppy dog voice.

"Sorry?" Is all I say because now I am really confused.

"Someone please tell me what's going on!" Auston scream as tears pour down his face.

Me and link look alike look at each other.

"Finish up." He says, I shrug amd stand up and make my way to Auston.

He tries to get away from me by backing up but just ended up hitting the way.

I smirk at him.

"Your all bark no bite aren't you?" I say teasingly.

All he does is shake in fear quite literally.

"Alright. I'm tired. I wanted to make this last longer. But nah. Consider yourself lucky" I say then drop my knife, run at him. Then I snap his neck.

"Good job, im Benjamin, but please just call me Ben. What's your name pretty lady?" He says and I blush at what he said

"Im.... uh. (Y/n), nice to meet you Ben. Are... Are you Okay?" I ask shyly and rubbing my arm with my hand.

"Yah I'm great!" He says with extreme happiness, and he was the type of person on which happiness is contagious.

"That's good." I say with a huge grin on my face.

"Yep!" He chirps.

"Cool. So why haven't you called the cops on me?" I ask in pure confusion with my head tilted slightly to side.

"Because (Y/n), we are in the same line of business!" He says and he begins to glitch out.

After his appearance finally settled he looked like normal link, no more dripping with water or blood, except his eyes they stayed the same.

"So, you kill people too?" I ask drawing out the words making the sentence sound longer.

"Yep!" He responds and sits down in a chair in front of the television.

"Sit!" He commands but still in his chirpy voice.

"Kaaaay?" I then go to the chair that was beside his and sit down.

"Let's talk!"

Jeff the Killer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now