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I run as fast as I can and trip over a root but quickly get back up and continue runilning.

"Shiit." I mumble in between breaths as I dodge trees left and right and continue running.

That's all I seem to be doing. Running. Running. Running. Forever running.

But then I stop. I look down to see a waterfall and a lake. It's a pretty long fall.

I turn my head to see the many pairs of white eyes glowing closer.

"For my baby..." I mumble once more.

And I jump.


I jump in someone's arms and my eyes grow wide in fear as I can't seam to remember who is carrying me.

"Put me down!" I yell and jump out of his arms.

"(Y/n)?" He asks in a hurt voice.

I cock my head to the side in confusion. "Who's that?" I ask curious.

"What?" He asks in shock. "That's you! Don't play dumb (Y/n), I'm not in the mood for this."

"What the fuck!" I yell and back away. "Stop calling me that! It's not my name!"

"Okay!" He yells. "If it is not your damn name what is you name!?" He finishes in complete anger.

I freeze... "I can't remember..." I say and take a step back as he takes a step forward.

He then suddenly hits me. "(Y/n)! If you are going to behave like this you can crawl your worthless self back to Ben right now!" He yells.

"Fucking Fine!" I snap back and begin to run away as thoughts swarmed my head and I put a hand on my cheek.

"Fuck the world!" I yell as I raise my hands to rhe sky and collapse ti the ground after a while of running.

"Fuck them all. Fuck everything. Fuck everyone. Fuck the weirdo who called me... (pronounce your name wrong)?" I finish in confusion and lean my back ip agianst the tree and begin to relax.


I jerk my head to the sudden snapping sound to see a wolf like thing standing there with its tounge out and it's tails a wavin.

It was huge. It's eyes was a complete blue and it's fur was grey with blue streaks. It had two tails and a extremely huge mouth.

I giggle and wave at it. It appeared to be a girl.

"Hallo there Girl." I say and crouched as it walked towards me.

I quickly noticed it had the prettiest silvery gold wings and gasps in awe.

I stick my hand out and she sniffs it and quickly takes a liking to me and rubs her hhead on my hand like she wants to be petted.

"Hay purty girl." I say mumbling in a baby voice. "Do you have a name?" I asks.

"Nope!" She chirps and I fall on mt ass in shock.

"Did... Did you just talk?" I ask.

"Yep!" She answers in the same chirpy voice.

"Alright!" I say with a uneasy smile. Slightly weirded out. "Do you have any ideas for a name?"

"I was thinking of a gender neutral name." She says agian in a chirpy voice which I am now beginning to think is just how she talks.

"Hmm. How about Jamie?" I ask.


"Chip ot Chirp?"

"Eh..." she says clearly jot taking a liking to the name.

"Hmm... Dylan?" I ask hesitating before I said the namr.

"I love it!" She says in absolute glee and begins to jump up and down in a circle causing me to laugh.

"What's your name?" She asks with her head tilted to the side.

"Umm..." I said not really knowing.

"How about..." she says clearly not knowing.

"Um... someone called me (Y/n)?" I say trying to help.

"Oh~ That sounds great! But how about we change the first letter."

"Alright?" I say with a shrug. "So like... (?-Y/n)"

"Yah! It works great!" She says happily while jumping up and down agian. "Do you wanna go swimming (?-Y/n)?" She asks after she stopped jumping.

I shrug agian. "Why not?" I say with a small smile on my lips and she begins running as I chase her.

As We run, im am slightly behind her.

She comes to a sudden stop at a ledge, catching me off guard and stopping with my toes at the very edge.

I quickly take a few steps back.

"Here we are!" Dylan yells happily. "Let's go!" She then jumps down and I look to where she jumped.

I realized that we was at the top of a waterfall which gracefully fell into a lake

I stare at it in shock.

Is this even real?

"Come on!" I hear faintly and sigh as I debate on taking this hoodie of, but decide to keep it on.

"Coming!" I yell then sigh as I take a few more steps back and run.

~~AN Sweeties ;)

Okay so I left a few hints in thiiis chapter. But try not to get ahead of your selves by guessing. Because you will never guess right.


Oh and also





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