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After about an hour and a half of getting to know each other. We are about to leave.

"Yah I don't want to be here when the parents wake up." I say standing up and putting my bag onto my back.

"Nor me." Ben says in a tired voice while also standing.

I Turn towards the window, trying to figure out how to get down with out harming my self then glance back at Ben.

"I hope I see you agian Benny, bye."

I then start walking towards the window but then im stopped by Ben.

"Wait!" He yelled and grabbed my wrist pulling me towards him.

"Wassup?" I asked confused and kinda frustrated since I was also getting tired and I was ready to find a place to sleep.

"Come with me." He begins. "Please?"

"Ben... I don't know..." I say and awkwardly look away from him.

" I know we just met and all but please? You will have a nice place to sleep and people will be there who are just like us! And no one will mess with you. And just incase someone does I will beat them into a pulp for you and they will never do it agian!" He begins to rant on why I should stay and opens his mouth to say more, but I interrupt him.

"Ben." I say. " I will come with you , but not today. There is a few more people I have on my list but after that i will. I promise." I say.

"Really?!" He says all hopefull agian.

"Yah, but their is one problem." I reply.

"What's that?" He asks

"We have no way to get in touch with." I say already upset that my plan was ruined.

"Oh! That's no problem!" He says taking one of the guys phone.

He then sets it onto the ground and looks at me. "I will be right back." He says, then he jumps into telephone while glitching out.

"Okay?" I mumble confused and began to do random things around the room.

I then look at the pool of blood and then at the blank white wall.

"Alright!" I whisper yell happily and pull on some latex gloves I stole from a doctor's office a few weeks ago that I luckily packed.

Dipping two of my gloved fingers into blood I head over too the wall.

"That's... nice." Ben says while glancing at what I wrote onto the wall.

Death is a gift, and I have given.
-the giver.

"Thanks!" I chirp. "But we probably should leave soon."

"True... here!" He exclaims as he hands me the phone. "I deleted everything off of it that wasn't needed and made sure no one could hack it or track it. Hey that rhymed. I'm a poet and didn't know it!" He sayed gleefully causing me to laugh quietly.

"Thanks Ben! But I am going to have to go now!" I say and walk back towards the window.

"Bye Giver!" He says jokingly.

"Bye Benjamin!" I call back while jumping out the window onto the tree.

Ok... who next. I think as I glance around, but something catches my eyes.

A flash of white ran out of a house and into the woods. Curiosity gets the best of me and I begin to follow it.

But I can't catch up to it and I eventually loose sight of it.

Sighing in frustration I turn around... and walk in to something.

I gasp in shock. It was a white hoodie if I am correct. I slowly creep my gaze upwards to meet with a paper white face and blue eyes.

"Uh..." was all I could muster.

"Hello." He says im a deep rough voice but still with a hint of childness. "May I ask why was you following me?"

"Um... I was... curious." I mutter shyly and look away from him.

"Uh huh, sure. Also didn't you know that curiosity killed the cat?"

"Grammer..." I whisper under my breath.

"What was that!" He snaps at me and I take quite a few more steps, but so did he so we was agian chest to chest.

"I know that!" I snap back childishly. "But satisfaction brought it back!" I say and look at him in the eye as he frowned at me.

He suddenly laughed a insane laugh.. "I like you!" He says after he calmed down his laughing some. "You actually have some humor. It is mostly just me and Ben. But ah well." He says and looks away.

"You know Ben!" I say in shock. He then quickly looks back at me.

"You know Ben?!" He yells with even more surprise.

"I wouldn't be asking if I didn't!" I yell happily for some reason.

"Oh my slendershit." He mumbles.

Slender shit? Fuuuck?

"What the fuck?" Was all I replied with being unable to understand what he said.

He finally turns his attention back to me. Gosh man. You loose focus easily.

"Nevermind." He mutters and looks away. "I am just surprised you know. Oh Yah, im Jeff by the way." He says sticking out a leather gloved hand.

"(Y/n)." I say also sticking out a hand except my hand was in a blue latex glove covered in blood. "Shit." I mutter.

"Uh... since you are Ben's friend... do you happen to be a murderer... too?" I ask as he shakes my hand getting blood on his gloves.

He then reaches his hands into his pockets and then I finally notice all the stains on his white hoodie.

Some were a faded brown, indicating old (possibly washed) blood stains. While others where still fresh, a vibrant but dark red.

Then he pulls out a knife. It seemed to be a regular kitchen knife. Then another knife. It seemed to be a combat knife that was almost like my, but with no writing.

Then I pulled out my knife.

"That looks kinda like mine." I mutter shyly as he stares at my knife.

"Where did you get my knife?" He mutters confused.

"It's yours!" I yell out in shock as all he does is nods his head shyly.

"Um... I got it a few days back... for my birthday."

"Okay." Was all he said while staring at the knife.

"You can have it back!" I say loudly and try to give it back but he just puts his hands up and backs away while shaking his head.

"No no. It's yours now!" He says trying to stop me.

"But it originally belo-" I was about to finish my sentence when we heard.

"Put your weapons on the ground and you hands where I can see them!"

Jeff the Killer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now