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"Shit." Jeff and I muttered at the same time.

Looking over his shoulder I see two male police officers with both there guns pointing at us.

"There is one person behind you. How many behind me?" Jeff asks in a hardly audible whisper.

"Two." I mutter giving the male officer a bitch look for winking at me.

"I'll turn around and get them. You get the one behind you. Try to make it quick, they most likely call back up." He says smartly, like he has done this before, and slowly turns around.

I do the same thing and face the one officer. She looks kinda young and was shaking in fear. Giving me mixed emotions but the strongest one was pleasure. The fear was so... great.

Bending down into a crouch acting like I am about to put my knife down, I then pounce on him.

"She's attacking!" One of Jeff's officers yells then go silent untill a blubbling sound fills the air, mean they are most likely drowning on the own blood.

I quickly slit my officer's throat with a quick slice the turn around to face Jeff to see him slowly standing up from a crouch. To be completely honest it looked bad ass as he did it.

As he slowly turns to me he says "We should probably split up." He says.

"Ok." I said trying not to sound disappointed. Wait!? Why was I trying to not sound disappointed! I shouldn't even feel disappointed! No. It must just be because he was such a epic fighter. Yah. That sounds right.

"I'll... see you around." He says about to take off agian.

"Wait!" I yell and pull out my phone.

"Wanna stay in touch?" I ask shyly but fast because I know if I didn't ask now I never would. Or I would end up saying it like a pick up line 'I lost my number, can I have yours.' I shiver as I remember thats how I got Michael's number.

He faces me with a bright grin. "That would be great." He says while pulling out his phone and taking mine.

After entering his number onto my device he texts me from my phone.

My phone then vibrates after a few seconds indicating I got a message.

I loom down to see the message.



I reply and we both laugh at our childish behaviors.

"Okay I should really leave now." He says with a frown appearing on his pale face.

"Yah." I say. You could basically hear my frown. "Text me later." I mumble and then run off.

"I will!" He yells and I laugh as I continue running towards the next house.


Here is my plan I have so far.

Kill Emily. Rest for awhile and kill a few others maybe.

Then call Ben and tell him I'm ready.

I smile as I remember what his face looked liked and could only imagine the grin he is going to have when I call.

As Emily's house comes into veiw I climb a nice tree being I was still in the forest and I could just barely make out the house.

I made sure that no one would notice me up in the tree tops then I curled my self up where three branches were the perfect space apart to make a nice makeshift bed.

I know I was gonna kill Emily first, it's just I'm so tired.

~ time skip to dark

I wake up just as the sun was almost done setting and look towards Emily's house.

"Alright Emily. Here I come." I whisper and was about to step down. But I slipped.

Then I fell. I hit every single branch that got in my path and. Hit the ground hard.

"Oww..." I mumble and try to push my self up, only for pain to shoot through my right arm and both legs.

"Shit." I mumble as i look at my right arm's to reach my phone.

I bring the phone closer by using my right arm's fingers, scared to move to much.

As the phone was in the best position I can I cut it on and quickly type in the password.

After clicking on the contacts list, I click on the first one that was in my reach, Jeff's.

I hit the call button and all it does is quietly ring as tears stream down my face.

After he doesn't answer I press the back button and was about to click Ben's name but a sudden pain shoots through me and I scream in pain.

Broken bones, definitely broken.

I grit my teeth after the pain becomes a little more bare able and click Ben's name and hit call.

He answers not even a second later.

"I thought it take longer than a night!" He says happily but then freezes as he hears my sobs.

"B-Ben." I moan out in pain and all the sobbing makes my bones hurt even more.

"Don't worry I am on my way!" He yells and his end goes completely silent.

The my phone starts glitchinf out and I try to push it away from me, but another spasm of pain shoots through my body and I have to muffle another scream by shoving my face in the ground.

"Sh. (Y/n). It is going to be okay. " I hear and I immediately recognize Ben's voice, which calms me down just a tad bit.

I feel his arm slip under my legs and I gasp in pain .

"Sorry, but I got to carry you like this." He mutters sadly, feeling bad that he just caused you more unwanted pain.

Everything feel the same but my vision suddenly changes. Instead up seeing the trees in the forest, I see and ocean of numbers and symbols.

"Traveling through the phone." I hear Ben mumble quietly kinda like he read my mind.

Then we hit the floor hard and I gasp once more and go limp on the ground putting all my effort into not screaming.

"EJ!" I hear Ben suddenly yell and a pair of footsteps slowly walk. Then they freeze. Then they quickly turn into a run.

They were Cleary annoyed at first, confused and shocked second, and finally concerned.
As the pain gets worse I realize something, when I was just thinging of the 'EJ' person the pain was less.

So I will try and think about something else.

Which is actually a lot harder than you would think.

Jeff the Killer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now